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"Why are you picking up your shit?" Oscar asked. Someone I had gotten myself out of the Cesar situation and Oscar and I were alone. I didn't hear what Oscar told his brother, but Cesar bought it and left us alone.

"Didn't you see how close we were to getting caught?! I need to be more careful. I can't just leave my shit laying around." I said frustrated, picking up anything of mine I could find. I set my purple duffel bag on his bed and started shoving everything inside. I still wanted to have my stuff in his room, it just couldn't be so obvious. I put the bag in the back of his closet and covered it in a bunch of his stuff. Of course I found another gun, I wasn't even surprised, I knew Oscar had guns all over the house, of course he did, he was in a gang. It made me feel really comfortable. I knew that nobody could hurt me as long as I was with Oscar.


"Wakey wakey." Oscar said, shaking me. I was half naked in his bed and tired as fuck.

"You better have a good ass reason for waking me up." I said.

"I do, it's called school." He answered. Fuck. Fuck that.

"Mm mm, I'm not going." I answered and pulled his comforter over me.

"You don't have a choice." He pulled it down and I could feel like fresh air on my ass.

"Nooo. I don't want to!" I yelled, turning onto my stomach. Thinking that maybe once he saw a full view of my ass he wouldn't argue. Maybe we could have some fun.

"Too bad. Get ready. I've got shit to do today." He said annoyed. He walked out before I could say anything else. I pulled myself out of bed and grabbed the duffel bag from his closet to get something to wear. I threw on a cropped blue sweatshirt and a pair of grey leggings. I didn't give a shit how I looked, who would I be dressing for? No one at school, that's for sure. When I went out into the kitchen Cesar and Oscar were already gone. Great. They left without me. How's he expecting me to go to school when I don't have a fucking ride!? I thought when I heard a car honk loudly. I walked to the living room to see who in the hell had the nerve to honk on this street at this early in the morning. It was Oscar. Him and Cesar were sitting in his car. Of course he made Cesar sit in the back so I could sit next to him. How discrete. I grabbed my bookbag and left. Fuck breakfast I guess. I climbed into the car and gave Oscar an annoyed look.

"You're not my fucking dad." I snapped at him and slammed my door.

"We'll talk about this later." Was all he said to me.


I sat down at the lunch table to eat lunch. I was already annoyed with Oscsr forcing me to come to school and I was hungry because I didn't eat breakfast earlier. Jamal was acting all sorts of weird. He kept looking at Cesar and he looked like he was about to snap.

"Jamal what the fuck is wrong with you?" I snapped, slamming my fork onto my tray.

"Reyna, calm down. We all know Jamal is weird, but don't take it out on him." Cesar said.

"Don't you ever tell me to fucking calm down!" I screamed at Cesar. I knew I was overreacting. I wished in that moment that I could take it all back, but I knew they would forgive me so I stormed off. I left the school. I didn't care if I was going to get in trouble, I didn't give a fuck. I knew exactly where I was going. I was storming down the block when a green ass car pulled up next to me. Just fucking great.

"Hey, ma, whatchu doing walking around all by yourself 'n shit?" One of the prophets yelled at me.

"Fuck off!" I yelled at them. I didn't know anyone else that would tell the prophets to fuck of to their faces, but it wasn't like they were going to do anything in broad daylight.

"Good thing I like my girls feisty!" The guy driving called.

"Leave me alone, I have a boyfriend." I called over my shoulder.

"Where is his bitchass? He's really letting you walk out here on your own?" The one in the back asked.

"Why can't I walk alone? Because I have a vagina!? Grow the fuck up. I can handle myself." I said to them getting angry.

"We'll keep that in mind." Was the last thing they said before they drove off.

"Ooh, I'm so fucking scared." I said sarcastically to myself. I was in a mood and I didn't care who got in my way, I would take out my anger on anyone. I finally got to the diaz house and relaxed. I hopped up the stairs and walked inside.

"What the hell are you doing home? There's still another three hours of school left." Oscar asked me angrily.

"Why the hell do you care?! Like seriously, how does my education affect you in any way shape or form?" I shouted at him.

"We have people over, Reyna." He replied, with his teeth clenched. I looked over to the living room, and sure enough, it was full of Santos. They were all in a circle around the coffee table. Shit looked serious. Damn. I left the house, slamming the door. I didn't know where to go but I didn't feel like I could stay at that house for much longer. I walked wherever my feet took me.

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