{Chapter 1}

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I tucked a strand of blonde hair behind my ear and then grabbed the plastic fork off of my lunch tray, a big sigh escaping me. I placed my elbow on top of my open book to, of course, keep it open as I took a bite of this horrid school spaghetti.

I glanced up self consciously. Even though no one seems to care that I'm a loner, it still feels like only big strong brutes can get away with that kind of stuff without people calling them freaks or what not.

I wish my school allowed cell phones in the cafeteria.... At least than I could look like I'm texting someone while I'm actually reading squeal worthy Harry Potter FanFiction on Wattpad.

I sighed.

The loudness of the cafeteria was starting to get to me. If only I could tell everyone to shut up, but I think that would be quite rude.... plus I'm literally so incapable of talking to one person normally, much less half a school's worth.

A part of me wants to branch out and make friends, get rid of this loner image. But another part of me thinks having friends is such a huge effort. Like, they'll want to talk to me which takes time away from my reading..... I didn't like that thought one bit. I guess I'm happy being by myself... most of the time. Except when I cry myself to sleep almost every night, but that's beside the point.

"Watch where you're going, bitch."

I internally groaned. I turned my head to see the three jerkish guys I've ever had the pleasure of going to school with. They all towered over a small girl, Amanda Rose, who was even shyer than I am.

Mind your own business. Mind your own business. Mind your own business. Mind your-

I didn't look away. But it's not like I was the only one. By now, the entire cafeteria was dead silent - I don't know if I should be happy about that, but if only the circumstances were... different, maybe. I dunno.

Poor Amanda.

Is it sad that I only feel a little sympathetic? I mean, I've never really liked people to begin with. I don't care if they're a sweetheart or a complete dick. I don't discriminate.

Amanda's mouth moved, but from where I sat, I couldn't hear her. I stared down at my book, so I don't get caught actually eavesdropping - though the boys won't be as quiet as Amanda, I know already. They're going to humiliate her. I kept my ears open, not even reading the words on the page of my book.

"You're Sorry are you?" one of the jerks demanded. Blake, the youngest of them.

Oh, did I mention that they're siblings? No? Well, they are. Meet the Rivers. I'm gonna look up some synonyms later, but for now, let's just call them jerks. They're the three most popular boys in school, and they think they're so much better than everyone else.

I can't stand them. Well, that's not really saying much since I can't stand anyone but I especially can not stand these three. If I had a death note, they'll be at the top of it, along with everyone else, to the gossip girls to the ones that feel like they have to talk to me when I'm reading just because I look lonely - maybe I like being alone, okay? It is possible, Mackenzie!

I think I just went way off topic. What was I saying again? Something about the River boys, right? Well, let me pick right up where I left off.

Lucas is the oldest of them. He's either seventeen or eighteen, I don't care enough to pay attention to anything that doesn't involve my OTPs. I probably - no, definitely - sound crazy. While I'm not opposed to it, let me just say that at least I'm not a murderer just yet. That must count for something, right?

I literally got sidetracked again. What the fuck is wrong with me! Do I secretly have ADHD that I don't know about? As if I needed another damn issue in my life.

Okay, back to Lucas. Like I said, he's the oldest. He has black hair and brown eyes, with a - yes, just one - piercing. He's that one jerk that is cold and emotionless and calculating. Almost like me, in a way.... I shouldn't insult myself, sorry. And sorry for that generic description, bleh.

Though, he does wear black a lot and listens to punk music, maybe he's emo.... goth, possibly? Eh, as if I care.

Off topic, but isn't it just great that time froze, allowing me to describe the Rivers?

Yeah, I think so. Anyway...

Next up, the middle child, we have.... Tyler. His hair is dark brown, almost black. His eyes are grey, which if I wasn't such a cold hearted bitch - the first step to getting rid of a problem is admitting you have one. I mean, I don't think being a cold hearted bitch is a bad thing. At least, it keeps people out of my personal bubble.

I got to stop doing that!

Anyway, if I wasn't such a cold hearted bitch, I might get along with him all right. Possibly. Except his happy persona would give me such a headache, so yeah.... if I had a better personality, I could possibly like him as a person.

Tyler is the energetic and fun one, in a way. He's quite immature. He's a junior. Not related, but he once spilt paint on me back in third grade when we were painting with the fifth graders, and I've never gotten over that. Yes, I've know them for that long, but I doubt they even know my name.... but that way, I'm unable to be in their death book, right?

I don't even watch Death Note - why do I keep referencing it? Though, it is on my anime list, but I have over a hundred, so I doubt I'll watch it any time soon...

Stop getting off topic! Seriously, sometimes I hate myself more than other times...

The last brother is a freshman, such as myself. I'm not saying that in a bragging way though, I really want to be put out of my misery, because he's the literal worst!

Blake is the most jerkish out of them. I think he's a bad boy? A player, too, but I don't think he's slept with anyone.... I wouldn't really know though, unless he starts bragging, and I'm just not gonna continue.

Hm, what else? Blake has black hair, like Lucas, but blue eyes. So yeah, I don't really know how else to describe him.

Okay, enough about them. School started a month ago. I guess that's all you need to know...

So let's unfreeze time and see what happens to Amanda, shall we? Ugh, I'm so evil.... I mean, I can't just stand up for someone I don't even talk to. Where did we leave off? Amanda on the ground while the Rivers looked absolutely murderous - it's not like Amanda killed their dog or something, chill the fuck out, guys.

Oh, crap, I low key regret unfreezing time. Amanda started sobbing, and I just can't handle crying people. Like, no, it makes me extremely uncomfortable. Hell, I even make myself uncomfortable when I cry, which is a lot, but only happens at nights.... and if I'm lucky, I skip the sob fest sometimes.

"Watch where you're going, freak!" Blake snarled. "Tyler?"

Tyler grinned, a playful glint in his eye. Yeah, he may act like a child, but he finds great joy in making other people miserable. I don't know why. He should pick up a book, or something if he has nothing better to do with his miserable existence.

Before I could even process it, Tyler poured pasta onto Amanda's hair. She only sobbed badly, while Lucas merely rolled his eyes. Well then, waste perfectly fine food. I mean, it may be school food and the lunch ladies are probably secretly poisoning us, but that's no excuse!

I watched as all three of them walked off, leaving a blubbering Amanda on the ground. Someone should go make sure she's all right....

I continue reading.

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