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"Shouldn't we go get him?" Liam asked.

"I'll go." Louis said, getting up off the sofa and heading towards Harry's room. He knocked softly on the door and went inside.

Harry was still in bed, he wasn't asleep though. He was laying on his stomach, arm covering his face. Louis could hear sniffles.

"Harry? You ok?"

"I'm fine." He replied, quietly, the pillow muffling his sad voice.

"Why don't you come to the living room with me and the lads? We're worried about you."

Harry turned over and sat up. Louis was saddened at how Harry looked. His eyes were red, puffy and wet, tear tracks down his flushed cheeks and he doesn't think he's ever seen him look so miserable.

"Not sure I'm very good company Lou." He replied, stretching, his bones cracking.

"We want you with us, please Harry. Don't stay away from us."

"Ok. Give me 5 minutes to get dressed then." He said as he pulled his duvet off.

"I'll make you a cuppa, see you in a minute." Louis said, leaving Harry to get dressed.


"He ok?" Liam asked, as Louis walked to the living room.

"Not really. Looks like hes been crying lots. Don't take the piss out of him please guys!"

Why you all looking at me?" Niall asked, shocked.  Niall is the one who is most likely to take the piss out of his friends.

"He's coming....behave!"

Harry strolled into the living room. The guys all looked at him, noting how awful he looked.

"Hi Harry!" Niall said, getting up and giving him a hug. "How ya feeling?"

"Ok. I'm hungry...anyone want something thing to eat?" He walked out to the kitchen.

"We've all eaten thanks mate" Zayn replied.

Harry nodded and started making himself a sandwich. Louis put the kettle on.


"Please. So... what's the latest?" Harry asked, as he spread pickle on some bread.

"Same really. Some people got caught out. They're either in hospital or..." Louis stopped, as Harry dropped the knife on the floor, splattering pickle over it.

"We'll be ok Harry. Try not to worry." Louis said placing his hand reassuringly on his shoulder. Louis could feel him shaking slightly.

"Sit down..I'll finish your sarnie." Harry did what he was told.

Louis put the finished sandwich down in front of Harry and made his coffee.

"Thanks Lou. Sorry, I'm a twat!"

"Hey...you are not a twat. It's a worrying time. We'll get each other through this. Let's go sit with the lads eh?"

Harry nodded and picked up his plate and mug and they went to the other room, finding the guys on the xbox.

"Fucking hell Niall! Stop cheating!" Zayn yelled, glaring at his blonde haired Irish friend.

"How am I cheating Zayn? Huh?" Niall smirked as he scored another goal.

"Hey guys...sit down,  we're doing a winner stays on. Wanna join in?"

Louis and Harry sat down. "I'll just watch thanks." Harry said, taking a bite of his sandwich.

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