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"We'll get KFC on the way home." Liam said as he picked up the shopping list, wallet and car keys." He was heading off to the supermarket with Niall and Zayn. Leaving Louis and Harry at home. There was no way Harry was facing that again after yesterday.

The boys left, and it was quiet. They left early, in the hope that it would be quieter. Harry was still asleep. This past week or more, had certainly exhausted him mentally and physically.

Louis went into his bedroom, seeing his beautiful emerald green eyed boy sleeping peacefully.

He sat on the bed, and watched him for a while, not creepy at all.

Harry began to fidget a bit. It quickly turned into him screaming and thumping his fists on the bed.

Louis was scared, as Harry's breathing became erratic. He shook Harry until his eyes opened. They were full of fear, and he looked around the room  until his eyes fell on Louis.

He was gasping for breath, sweating and his fists were tight on his sheet.

"Harry love....you're ok. You're safe." Louis spoke quietly, as he bent down to hug his boyfriend.

"Nightmare?" He asked.

He could feel Harry shaking, and heard him crying.

"I...I'm sorry." He whispered.

Louis got into bed with him and pulled him close. "It's ok. It's over now. I'm  here. You're safe." He said, rubbing Harry's back, as the boy finally calmed down.

They both went back to sleep, safe in each others arms.


Three hours later the other boys returned home, with bags full of food  and other necessities.

"Honey...we're home!" Niall shouted  as they went indoors, putting the bags on the kitchen table.

Louis and Harry had moved to the living room an hour ago, and came in to see what they bought.

"You get everything?" Louis asked, holding Harry's hand.

"Yes, surprisingly. And got the KFC too. I'll put the frozen stuff away, then we can eat." Liam replied.


"Oh god, this is orgasmic!" Niall moaned as he licked his fingers.

"Why do you always think of sex when you eat?" Zayn asked him, laughing.

"Cos they both make me wanna c..."

"STOP!" Liam interrupted him. "I don't want to know. "

Niall smirked and continued to stuff his face.


The food had been eaten, shopping put away.

The boys were all sat in the back garden. It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day.

"We're not staying here are we? We're free. We should go out and do something." Zayn said.

"Where should we go?"

"Arcades!" Niall said.

"Ten pin bowling." Zayn suggested.

"The park for a kick about." Louis said.

"Swimming." Was Liam's wish.

"Harry...what do you think?"

"Um..I don't mind. Whatever."

"How about the park? Least we can sit out if anyone gets tired." Louis said, thinking that Harry might be too tired to do too much.

"Ok. I'll get the football. Let's take some food and drink, then we can make an afternoon of it." Liam said, heading off to the kitchen.


A while later, they were at the park. It was fairly busy, everyone enjoying the warmer than usual April weather.

The boys were playing football, jumpers for goalposts, except Harry,  who sat watching them,  eating some salt and vinegar crisps.

Every now and then, Louis would look over to him, making sure he was ok and smiling when Harry waved.

When they were tired out and Louis and Niall had beaten the other two, they sat and ate.

"God...it feels so good to be able to eat properly again." Zayn said, eating a sausage roll.



Back at home, the boys were watching TV.

"I'm bored. What should we do?" Niall asked.

"Truth or dare?" Zayn said, laughing.

"We're never playing that again! Alright?!" Louis said loudly.

"Alright! Calm your tits!" Zayn said, hands in the air.

"We're gonna watch tv i  our room aren't we Harry?" Louis said, standing up and holding his hand out for Harry to take.

Harry looked up at him and smiled.  "We are? Oh...yeah, we are. Goodnight guys."

"Guess what they're up to?" Niall said, nudging Zayn.

"Ew...turn the TV up so we can't hear them." Zayn laughed.


"How you feeling?"

"Ok. Better. You ok?" Harry asked. Cuddling up in bed.

"I'm ok. But...I'm worried about you." Louis replied.

"I'm sorry I worry you. I am taking my meds, before you ask. It's just...the last week has really got to me, more that you realised."

"You've kept things from me?" Louis asked.

Harry nodded. "Sorry."

"Talk to me. Please."

Louis took Harry's hand. "I...I don't..." he stopped.

"Harry, please tell me. I want to help you, but I can't if you don't talk."

Harry took.a deep breath. "I...I don't like going outside.  It's too much. Too noisy. Too many people. Too much traffic. It's too much." He began to cry, breaking down in Louis' arms.

"Shh shh." Louis comforted him, stroking Harry's arm. "When did you start feeling like this?"

Harry sniffed. "I've always hated it, but I think going out to the supermarket made it so much worse. I hate people looking at me, when I panic. Don't make me go out again. Please Lou." Harry was practically begging, and he gripped onto Louis' t shirt.

"I won't. I promise."

"Thank you Lou. I'm tired." He yawned.

"You sleep love. I'm going nowhere. See you in the morning. Night night." He leant down and they kissed for a couple of minutes, before Harry went back to where he'd been comfortable and closed his eyes.


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