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"I swear to god, Niall, if you fart one more time in here, I'm gonna shove an apple up your arse!" Zayn said, holding his nose.

"I can't help it! Jesus...its not like you lot don't do it too!"

"Yeah, but ours don't smell like rotten eggs mixed with cow shit!" Louis replied, fake gagging.

Liam switched the fan on, but all that did was circulate the stink.

Harry got up and walked away somewhere.

"He ok?" Liam asked Louis.

"Think so. Not said much today. Seemed to sleep ok."

"That's good then."

"I'm hungry." Niall blurted out. "Gonna get some food."

"Wait!" Liam yelled, standing up. "We need to start rationing. We don't know how long this is going on for,  and if we carry on eating like we have been, we're gonna run out of food pretty quickly."

"That's true." Louis agreed.

The four boys went into the kitchen and started looking through the cupboards.

"Pot noodles, pasta, soup, baked beans, tinned fruit, loads of cereal, ketchup...god we're so healthy." Liam said, as he raked through the first cupboard.

"Well...we have bacon, eggs, loads of salad, 2 pints of milk, juice, butter and sausages in the fridge." Louis added.

There were a few other bits such as biscuits, crisps, bread, fizzy drink and lager.

"If we're sensible, we should be ok for a week or so." Liam said, closing another cupboard door.

Niall huffed, he was really hungry, as per usual. "We're gonna die of starvation!"

"WHAT?" Harry suddenly appeared behind them, his face paled at what he heard Niall say. "We...we're gonna s-starve?" He covered his face with his hand, and ran back out of the room.

"Fuck!" Louis said, going after him.

The other boys looked at each other. "Sorry, I didn't know he was there." Niall apologised.

"Don't worry Ni."


Louis found Harry in his bedroom, staring out of the window. "You ok?" He asked, as he stood behind him.

"We gonna starve?" He asked, quietly, his hand resting on the glass.

"No...we were just saying we have to be careful with the food, that's all."

"I need to get some air..." Harry said, as his hand went to the window handle.

"No Harry! You can't open it!" Louis yelled, grabbing Harry's hand. He turned him around and looked into his eyes. They were wet and bloodshot.

Harry threw his arms around Louis, and buried his head in Louis' neck.

"Its ok Harry. Try not to get upset." He rubbed Harry's back, trying to calm him down.

Harry calmed down soon  enough, thanks to Louis' soft touches.

"We're gonna have lunch now. You want some?"

Harry nodded, sniffed and let go of Louis.


"Just in time....lunch is ready." Liam said as the two lads came into the kitchen, sitting down at the table next to each other.

"What we having chef?" Zayn asked, knife and fork already in his hands.

Liam put the plates on the table.

"What the fuck is this? A joke?" Niall said, totally shocked, and a little bit angry.

"Lunch!" Liam answered.

"Seriously?! One slice of toast with a few beans on top? Can't we at least have some bacon, sausage and egg with it?"

"Nope. We're rationing. Take it or leave it!" Liam replied, defiantly.

Niall shut up and started eating. It's better than nothing, he thought

It took them only five minutes to all finish their "meal".

Harry and Louis did the tiny bit of washing up, while the others went into the living room.

"So what exciting thing we gonna do now?" Zayn asked, plonking himself on the sofa.

"We could just go to sleep. Sod all else to do." Niall said.

"What about another game?"

"Is that a good idea after what happened yesterday?" Zayn asked, shaking his head.

"We could play without him?"

"No...that would cause more trouble. Just...do something else. " Liam said, trying to think of something else.

They ended up just going on their phones, playing games or texting their other mates.


By 9pm, they were all so bored, that they all headed to their rooms.

"You ok Hazza?" Niall asked, swiping his phone.

"Um...yeah. I.. I know I'm a pain in the arse, if you'd rather I slept on the sofa, I will, I don't mind." He said quietly, picking the threads on his shorts.

"Why would I want that?"

"Thought...maybe you'd rather have the room to yourself."

"Harry, I'm happy sharing with you, are you sure you are? I mean...Louis has a room of his own, would you rather share with him?"

"Why would I want to share with him? What makes you think that?"

"Oh I don't know. Just, you seem to be spending more time with him than the rest of us. It's fine though, you know...if you like him."

Harry felt his face heat up. "What? Um...well course I like him. I...I like all of you, you're like my brothers!" He stuttered.

"Ok Harry. Whatever you say."

Harry was silent after that.

He was still awake at 1am. He looked through his phone, seeing all his photos of the five friends. There were more pics of him with Louis than with anyone else, and Harry suddenly felt lonely.

He texted Louis.

"Sorry if I've woken u up. I can't sleep. Can i come to your room pls?"

Less than a minute later he got a reply.

"Course u can."

Harry got out of bed and went into Louis' room, finding him sat up against his headboard.

"What's up? Why can't you sleep?" He smiled, tiredly.

Harry stood awkwardly by the door. "I...can I have a hug please?" He asked, sounding so much younger than 17.

Louis smiled and pulled back his duvet. "Get in, silly."

Harry walked over and got into Louis' bed, Louis pulling the duvet up around them.

Immediately, Harry felt safe and warm.

"Ok now?" Louis said, followed by a yawn.

Harry nodded. "Thank you Lou."

"No probs. Now...go to sleep."

Harry smiled and they both fell into a peaceful sleep.


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