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Harry had his head in the bucket, which woke Louis up.

"Shit!" He said, sitting up and rubbing Harry's back, as he threw up.

When he finished, Louis got up and put the bucket on the floor, getting back into bed, laying them both down.

"Urgh...my head." Harry grumbled,  massaging his temple.

"You should go back to sleep." Louis said, feeling guilty that he didn't stop Harry from drinking too much.

"No...are you getting up?"

"I can stay here if you want."

Harry nodded,  and regretted the movement.  "Urgh."

"You want a cuddle?" Louis asked, hoping Harry would say yes.

Harry moved closer and snuggled into Louis' chest.

"You're very cuddly." Louis said, quietly, enjoying Harry's warmth.

"Hmmm..." Harry hummed, his hand rested on Louis' chest.

Louis smiled.

"Thank you for looking after me. Sorry for being sick." Harry said, feeling embarrassed.

"It's ok. I'd always look after you."

Harry went back to sleep, the rhythm of Louis' heartbeat sending him off.

After a while, he managed to move from under Harry's body and got out of the bed.


"A packet of crisps for breakfast? Marvellous!" Niall complained.

"Shut the fuck up Niall! I've had enough of you going on about it! We've got hardly any food left...deal with it!" Zayn shouted, as Louis came in the kitchen.

"What's all the shouting about?" He asked.

"The pig is starving!" Zayn said, cruelly.

"Hey...there's no need for that Zayn. Just stop it now!" Liam jumped in. "We're all hungry."



Zayn took a sudden lunge towards Niall and threw him to the ground. Punches were thrown, as they both completely lost it.

Louis and Liam both tried to pull them apart, getting the odd punch themselves.

"BOTH OF YOU...STOP IT NOW...OWWW!" Liam shouted, getting another punch.

"St-Stop! St-stop it!" Harry was at the door, looking pale and frightened, holding his chest and struggling to breathe.

Louis noticed and ran to him. "Harry...what is it? Are you ok?"

Harry was gasping, shaking his head. His face grew paler.

The fight stopped, thank God, and Liam came over. "Harry...Harry Where's your inhaler?"

"Bedside drawer." Louis answered for him.

Liam ran and got it, bringing it back. Louis took it and held it to Harry's mouth as he took a couple of puffs.

Louis helped him sit down  as his breath came back to him.

Harry rested his head against Louis.

"You ok now?" Louis asked. Harry nodded, and wiped some tears away. Asthma attacks always made him cry.

"This is all your fault!" Liam scolded Zayn and Niall, who stood with their bruised faces looking at the ground, ashamed of what they did.

"I'm sorry." Niall said.

"Me too." Zayn added.

"Don't you think you should apologise to each other too? Especially you Zayn!"

Zayn looked at Niall,  guilt flowing through his body. "I'm so sorry Niall.  I shouldn't have said that, or hit you. Friends?"

Niall smiled. "Of course, you dingbat. Always. I'm sorry too." They hugged quickly  and turned their attention back to Harry.

"Harry, are you ok? We're so sorry." Niall asked.

"Y-yeah. I'm ok now."

Louis helped Harry stand and they walked to the sofa and sat down.

"I'm such an idiot." Harry whispered to Louis,  who sat beside him.

"Hey...no you're not. Why would you think that?" Louis asked, their arms touching.

"Everyone knows I'm a...a virgin, I'm a crap kisser, I got drunk, I threw up in front of you, now an asthma attack. God I'm such a fucking wimp!" Harry cried.

"Oi...no you're not. Stop saying that. And for your information...you're a great kisser!"

Harry looked at him. "You're lying!"

Louis looked at Harry's beautiful green eyes.  "Harry...you were great. I loved it. And...I'd love to do it again." Louis blushed.

Harry smiled, and boy...did Louis' heart skip a beat?

"Can...can I kiss you now?" Louis asked.

"Not here." Harry said, feeling his heartbeat get faster.

Louis took Harry's hand and dragged him to their room, locking the door.

They sat on Louis' bed. And stared into each others eyes.

"You're beautiful Harry."

It was Harry's turn to blush.

Louis brushed his hand on Harry's face, and moved closer.

They were nose to nose. Both smiling. Their lips met. And they kissed. It was slow, and loving. Louis licked across Harry's bottom lip, and he gasped, letting Louis' tongue enter his mouth.

They both hummed as their tongues swirled around each other, exploring each others mouths.

Harry felt dizzy. Louis had been his first kiss last night, but this one was even better.

When they broke the kiss, they smiled at each other, both faces flushed.

"Wow!" Louis said, as Harry seemed to be in a trance.

"You ok Harry?" Harry smiled and nodded, at a loss for words. He needed to calm down, before he fainted.

Louis grinned at how cute Harry was. "You're so adorable."

"Can...can we do it again. Please?"

No way was Louis going to say no.

So, they kissed again. Laying down on the bed. And that's how they spent the next couple of hours.


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