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The boys all sat in a circle on the floor, cans of lager on the table behind them.

"So, we'll go in age order. Louis first, right?" Niall said, sitting up straight, and a big grin on his face.

"Fine...get on with it!" Louis sat, not happy at going first.

"Right...Louis...truth or dare?"


"If the house was on fire and you only had time to save one of us, who would you save?" Niall asked.

"Argh no!"

"Answer the question. "

Louis looked at his friends. "Harry."

"No surprise there!"

"Well...ask better questions then!"

"Zayn...truth or dare?" Louis asked.


"Oooh...let me think." Louis smirked. "I dare you to call a random number and tell them you love them."

Zayn laughed. He picked up his phone and dialled random numbers until he heard a ring tone.

"Hello?" A man answered the call.

"Oh...hi there." Zayn said, trying to put on a sexy voice, the others trying to hide their giggles. "I just wanted to say...I love you so much and i wish i could kiss you right now."

There was silence on the other end, until the man hung up without a word.

They all burst out laughing. "That was hilarious. That poor man is probably traumatised now!" Liam said.

They were all drinking their lager by now.

"Liam...truth or dare?" Zayn asked.



"Just ask me a question!"

"When was the last time you had a wank?"

Liam blushed. "Um...yesterday!"

"In our room?" Zayn asked, disgusted.

Liam stayed quiet.

"Oh my god. Not while I was in bed?"

Liam laughed.

"Eww you nasty boy!"

"I know you do it while I'm in bed too Zayn. You're not exactly quiet.

Niall laughed loudly.

"You're all wankers!"

When they all calmed down, Liam asked the next question.

"Niall...truth or dare?"

"DARE!" He yelled.

Liam thought hard. "I dare you to play the rest of the game naked. "

"Fucking hell Liam! Seriously?!" Louis said. "We don't want to look at his tiny dick the rest of the game."

"Rude!" Niall said as he stood up and stripped naked. He sat back down with everything on show, not in the slightest bit embarrassed.

"Hazza... truth or dare?"


Niall sighed. "Are you a virgin?"

Harry felt his cheeks flush. He bit his nails, as he looked at Louis.


"Y-Yes." He whispered,  staring at the ground.

"That's fine Harry.  Don't be embarrassed. " Louis reassures him, Harry taking a long swig of his lager.

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