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Harry awoke and saw ocean blue eyes looking down at him, a big smile on his face. "Morning Harry." He whispered. "How are you feeling?"

Harry thought for a moment, giving himself time to wake up properly, to judge how he felt.

"Morning Lou... I'm exhausted, and I ache all over." He sighed, knowing today was gonna be shit.

Louis hugged him, as he heard Harry's tummy grumble badly.

"I'll look after you. Shall I see if I can find something to eat?"

Harry nodded. "In a minute, can we hug a bit longer?"

"Of course. Anything for you." They both smiled as they wrapped their arms around each other.

"GUYS! GUYS....THEY'RE SAYING WE CAN GO OUT SOON....THE AIR IS NEARLY CLEAR.!" Niall yelled, as he burst through their door, without knocking. Harry thanked God that they weren't doing anything naughty.

"Niall! Jesus christ! Knock!"

"Sorry...it's just fucking fantastic news, thought you'd like to know?"

Louis smiled, he couldn't be too mad at the strange little Irish boy.

"Yeah ok, thanks Niall. "

Niall left.

"He's so annoying."

"Yeah." Louis agreed. "I'm gonna get us some food." He got out of bed, and went to the kitchen.

"Hey Lou! Great news isn't it?" Zayn greeted him, smiling.

"Yes, brilliant. Is there any food? Harry's stomach us making some bloody awful noises."

"How is he?" Liam was the first to ask about Harry.

"He's shattered and aching all over, poor boy."

Liam frowned. "I wish he was healthy. Even if I could take one of his illnesses for myself, i would do it to help him."

Louis smiled at what Liam said."Same here. It's just not fair."

"Look...I'm not hungry, he can have my share. It's only a sausage and beans."

"He can have some of mine too." Zayn said. They all looked at Niall.

"Ok ok he can have mine too."

"And mine." Louis added.

Ten minutes later, Louis went back to his room, finding Harry asleep.

He gently shook his arm, and he woke up. "Hey."

"Hey...I got your food, sit up a bit."

Harry sat up and looked at the plateful Louis placed in front of him.

"But...but this is too much. Where's yours?" He asked, looking worried.

"We all gave ours up, so you could have a kind of proper meal. Please  try and eat it all."

Harry's bottom lip wobbled. "It..it's too much Lou. You all need to eat too."

"Harry it's fine. There's a few biscuits left." Louis said, placing his hand over Harry's.

Harry took his knife and fork and started eating. He must admit it tasted wonderful, and he had a nice full stomach when he finished.

"I'm stuffed. Thank you. I should get up and thank the boys. "

"No. You stay there. You need to rest. You can say that later."

Louis then handed Harry his meds with a glass of water. Harry took them, then laid back on Louis' pillows.

"You don't have to stay with me. I'll probably just sleep anyway. Go see the lads."

"You sure?"

"Definitely. I'll see you in a bit."

Louis leant down and kissed Harry's lips.

"I love you Harry."

"Love you too Lou."


The others have been playing cards in the living room for a couple of hours now.  There wasn't much else to do.

"Just as well we're not playing for money, you'd be bankrupt Niall!" Zayn laughed. Niall never was any good at cards.

"Yeah well...you lot cheat."

Louis shoved him. "Bad loser!"

"Hi." A tiny voice was heard behind them. Harry.

Louis looked at him. "Harry...come sit down." He motioned for him to go to him.

Harry did and went to sit next to Louis,  but Louis pulled him into his lap instead.

"Oi oi careful now, now hanky panky on the sofa please. We have to sit on that!" Niall joked.

Louis glared at him, then turned his attention back to Harry.  "Feeling any better?" He asked him as held one of Harry's hands.

"Yes. Just wanted to say thanks for the food." He said as he looked at his friends, one at a time. They all smiled.

"You're welcome. Glad you're feeling better." Liam said. The others agreed.


It was dinner time and Liam sighed.

"This is the last of the food. This lockdown better get lifted tomorrow."

"What's left?" Niall asked.

"Well...there's a tin of beans, 2 apples, a 4 finger kit kat and 2 very small carrots."


So for lunch they had half of everything each, well...except Harry who shared his out as they'd given up their food earlier.


It was only 10pm.

"I'm going to sleep, then tomorrow will come quicker, and we can get out of here!" Niall said, as he got up. "Goodnight guys."

They all said goodnight.

"That's a good idea actually." Liam said. "I'm going too." And he left.

Zayn was next to leave.

That left Harry and Louis.

"This film is shit. Is there anything else on?" Harry asked, reaching for the tv guide.

"Who needs TV? I'm sure we could find something else to do. " Louis had a wicked grin on his face that made Harry blush, again!

"Such as?"

"Well..." Louis moved closer to Harry. "You're so pretty Harry.  I wish I'd told you that before."

Harry grinned.

"Let's go to our room?"

Louis stood up and took Harry's hand, leading him to the bedroom.

They undressed and got into bed, quickly, laying impossibly close. Their lips joined, and tongues met, and they kissed hard.

Hands roamed each others bodies. Moans left their mouths. They were hot and sweaty and panting.

One thing led to another....


Oh dear, I ran out of space lol.

You can guess what happened next though eek.

Happy Easter.  I would have had such a busy day at work, instead I enjoyed the sun.

Enjoy your chocolate! I got a malteaser egg with 2 teaser bars, my favourite.

All the love 💖💖💖


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