Chapter 26

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The man who first spoke was named John. He was one of the two men that Reed ran his business with. Lord Hawtrey was the other man. He was interested in buying from them. Apparently, he had a summer home nearby and was looking forward to the more rare animals that they had the ability to track. He was very wealthy, something that was obvious by the way he dressed and carried himself. I didn't want to just assume he was incredibly shallow and vain, but for goodness sake, he was wearing an elaborate fur coat in almost spring weather. He had on the most fashionable clothes and several jewels. Here in the country, it was just silly. A way of showing off to the locals. I wondered if he realized it was an invitation to bandits too.

I didn't want to be a hindrance to Reed getting business, but their discussion was terribly boring. For a while, I was able to act interested but I had to fight a yawn a few times. Thankfully, they eventually went into the barn to look at some furs that Lord Hawtrey was interested in buying now. As they walked away, I quietly slipped behind the horses who stood waiting for their riders, and hoped the men wouldn't think to invite me to join them.

When it looked like I was momentarily forgotten, I relaxed and absently began petting the horse I'd used as a shield. Apparently pleased with the attention, he nickered, making me smile.

"Hey there." I kept petting him and made my way around to see his face. "I bet you're as bored as I am by all that talk, aren't you?"

He gently nudged me and I took that to be an affirmation. I stroked his nose for a minute before remembering the carrots in the basket. When I moved away to retrieve them, the horse complained.

"Hang on." I laughed, quickly grabbing the treat and holding it out for him. He gladly took it from my hand, making the other horse nose his way over to see what his companion had.

"Alright, here's one for you too." I gave him the second carrot while the first horse searched me for more.

"Sorry, that's all I've got," I said, patting his nose.

He snorted but seemed to forgive me quickly. I was so focused on the horses, I didn't notice Lord Hawtrey come up beside me.

"You have quite a way with horses." The sudden sound of his voice made me jump.

"Oh." I pulled my hand away, unsure if he wanted me touching them. "They're beautiful animals." I smiled at the horse before me, wishing for one of my own.

"Yes, they are," he agreed. "I do have a rather good eye for beauty."

His tone was arrogant and I was tempted to roll my eyes, but keeping Reed's business in mind, I refrained so I wouldn't offend him. I planned to smile and make some shallow conversation, maybe feed his ego a bit, but when I looked at him, I realized he wasn't talking about the horses at all. He wore a look similar to those odious men like Lord Colton - men who could only ever see me as a mistress.

Surprised, I took a step back and he chuckled.

"I wondered where you'd gone off to. I hoped to speak with the prince when he was through with you. Alas, you disappeared so suddenly. Are you here as a favor?" he wondered. "I know the king wished to honor him." He jerked his chin, indicating Reed. "But this seems a bit excessive."

"That's not..." I shook my head. "I mean, I'm not-"

"I could set you up quite comfortably," he interrupted. "You would have every convenience, and of course, there's no real incentive for you to remain here."

No real incentive but love. Something a man like Lord Hawtrey probably couldn't even understand.

"I'm no one's mistress." I raised my chin and felt myself getting angry. Logically, I knew his words weren't so outrageous, considering Society and where I'd come from, but I was insulted anyway. Why was it so impossible for some men to see me as a person? "I don't intend to be one in the future either," I said firmly.

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