chapter nineteen | the cookie crisis

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"His mouth says, 'I'm okay.'
His fingers text, 'I'm fine.'
His heart says, 'I'm broken.'"


"IT'S SUCH BULLSHIT!" Piper fumes, plonking herself onto the grass beside me and angrily slamming her bag down. "What sort of teacher gives detention to someone who asks for a fucking eraser?"

"Are my ears deceiving me or did I just hear my little sister got a detention?" Lucas's taunting voice fills my ears and right on cue he appears on my left, flanked by Chase and Trent, who have been sitting with the group on and off for a few weeks now.

"Welcome to the real world, darling," Chase grins, patting Piper on the head. "The world of rebellion, disappointment and unfairness."

Piper swats his hand away. "God, you're annoying as my brother."

Lucas places his hand to his heart and exclaims with mock seriousness, "Annoying? Me? Never!"

"What'd I miss?" Mason Fosters voice slams into my back and I feel all the breath in me leave.

I purse my lips, my hands curling into fists. Not giving anyone the opportunity to respond, I say loudly, "Why did you get that detention again, Piper?"

"Fuck, did someone turn on the air conditioning because it's freezing in here," Trent jokes, clearly hoping the ease the tension in the air.

"Not gonna lie, I prefer them giving each other the silent treatment other than constantly verbally attacking each other," Jason admits.

"Can't you two just sort this shit out?" Piper whines, her green eyes wide and pleading. "It's been over a week and I'm getting tired of it."

I cross my ankles over, watching the wind blow leaves across the uneven grass. "He's a jerk, Piper. He pretends to be all charming and seductive but the moment when he appears vulnerable up go the walls and he's an arrogant jackass who doesn't give a shit about other people's feelings."

Mason sniggers, still standing directly behind me. "You know, I'm right here, honey." God, his voice is so condescending. "You can refer to me by my name, it won't kill you. Or, I hope it won't. As you already said for yourself, I am a very charming person."

I swing my head around and lock eyes with him, practically spitting between my teeth. "Oh I know you're there. I just don't think you deserve the common human decency of being acknowledged as a person."

He arches an eyebrow, appearing unfazed by my insults. "So what if I don't wanna share my personal life with you? You're acting like I stole your virginity and shoved a thorn up your arse."

My hands are shaking with anger. "Why don't you go fuck yourself, Foster, since you think you're so amazing."

He rolls his eyes. "All I'm saying is my life is none of your business."

"Then just tell me that!" I say angrily, my fingernails digging up wet earth. "Instead of insulting and ridiculing me!"

"The thing is, Carrie," Trent begins, "Mason is not a guy who touch with his feelings. And besides you can't expect the dude to magically transform his trademark attitude and demeanour just for one girl who he offends. Because that attitude is Mason." He finishes his speech by slapping Mason on the back.

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