chapter twenty-one | secrets and lies

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"Perhaps it's easier to smile and pretend everything is fine, rather then admit my hearts a little swollen from losing something that wasn't even mine."


IT HAS NEVER BEEN IN MY nature to be intrusive and meddle in people's personal business, but Mason Foster is a different case. He's unlike any boy I know; his personality so hard to grasp.

It's strange—from most people's perspective he's outgoing and confident, with his flawless charisma and alluring aura. Then there's the bad boy side of him, where he goes out of his way to be rude, arrogant and selfish; where he acts like he has the right to walk all over people and say whatever offensive thing he wants to them.

But then there is the third face; one that I doubt many have witnessed. The vulnerable one—the real one. The side that allows you to see past his guarded expression and above the walls he has built around himself. I've seen him cry, I've heard him spill out the dark thoughts roaming his mind, I've watched him lose control.

He truly exposed himself on Friday night and from his reaction since, probably unintentionally. The point is that I saw him do more than crack a smile and a few inappropriate jokes. I saw Mason Foster come alive. I saw the way he could smile and laugh and joke around without being nasty or withdrawn. I saw the way he could hold a conversation without switching between his other two faces.

I know I shouldn't care. I know I should just let him be and back off. I have a boyfriend who I should be giving my attention to; yet here I am sneaking out of school to go uncover the mystery of Mason Foster.

I withdraw my phone from the pocket of my school blazer, the screen illuminating my face as a message pops up.

Kane: Hey, babe, where are you? You weren't in Bio...

Me: I felt sick and went home before school had even started. Sorry, I should've told you :(

Kane: Fuck, do you want me to come over?

Me: All good. You should probably head off to third period

Kane: Are you sure?

Me: Positive. I'll be alright

Kane:'re not hanging around with fucking Foster, are you?

Me: Hell no!!!

Kane: Good, because if you do I'll have to spend my hard owned money on a shotgun

I don't know if his intentions would to be shoot Mason, himself or me. Probably all three. All possibilities are equally terrifying

You're just here to look after his wellbeing, I remind myself, pocketing my phone as I gaze up at the two-storied house, my mind foggy with theories of why Mason has to hide behind a facade. There's nothing going on between you two. You're here to look out for him and get answers.

God, maybe Mason is right—maybe I am nosy and I should step back from his personal business.

But my gut instinct suggests otherwise. Something must be going on.

Stuffing my swirling thoughts into the back of my mind, I hurry towards the front steps of the Foster's house, rain trickling down the back of my neck as purple storm clouds rumble overhead.

There are no cars in the driveway, since it's the middle of the day. Viktor would be at work, Mason and Jared at school, so I can only hope Ruby is home because I really am not in the mood for a break in today.

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