Chapter 4 - The Confession

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Kirishima had said in a serious tone "We need to tell you something..."

Bakugou looked at the two, suddenly he gained a bad feeling in his gut, the kind telling him something was wrong. The kind that made him want to throw up.

"We like you Bakugou!" the pair smiled at him, Bakugou was dumb founded, he just stared at the two. He was frozen in shock, he thought he misheard them.

"W-what?" He asked in a confused tone looking at the two.

They both smiles and stated in sync "we like you!"

Bakugou smiled finally recognising he hadn't misheard them. He looked down trying to find the confidence to return the feeling, which of course had. He sighed and looked at the pair who were patiently awaiting his answer "I like you both too."

They both smiled and embraced the ash blond. They all stood in the middle of the room in a huddle of laughter and joy. After a short while Kirishima spoke up.

"So are we boyfriends now?"

Bakugou looked at him "obviously hair for brains."

Kaminari laughed at the two before getting tackled to the ground by the pair. They all erupted in laughter before deciding to go to bed. Kaminari lay down first, Bakugou lay next to him and Kirishima on the other side of Bakugou. Kirishima spooned Bakugou while Kaminari hugged him from the front. They both kissed Bakugou's head as he was beginning to drift off.

After a short while they were all asleep cuddled up and happy.

Well... that was until he arrived...


Hey guys!! Sorry for not posting yesterday!! It was my friends birthday, so yeah! Hope you enjoyed this weeks chapter!

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