Chapter 8 - Returning Home

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*Kaminari's POV*

I had taken a nap after telling my boyfriends my headspace age. I woke up a couple hours later and sat up, I wasn't in headspace anymore. I rubbed my eyes when Kirishima walked into the room, he sat beside me and kissed my head "good morning sleepy head!" He said in a cheery voice making me smile.

"It's not morning silly" I laughed, he smiled. Kirishima waited for Bakugou to enter the room. When he entered he handed me a bowl of fruit salad he made knowing I get snacky after waking up, I smiled and happily took it "thank you!" he smiled.

They told me their plan about having me stay with Bakugou in his spare room and I agreed I was more than happy with this plan, the only down side was having to go back to my parent's house... I really didn't want to go back. "Can we decorate the room first? Then go to my home? It would be easier to transfer my thing here if the room is already decorated" they both nodded in agreement.

I got up and dressed and we went to the mall, we went into a few shops. We got yellow and baby blue paint, some new teddies and toys. We got a bed with sides like a crib so I wouldn't fall out of bed at night. They got some other things too, but I didn't really pay attention as I was way too busy looking at all the toys and teddies and sweets.

When we returned home Bakugou talked to his mom and he was right she didn't mind me having the spare room, I was so happy! We went upstairs and started to decorate, I helped Kirishima paint while Bakugou fitted a new carpet and built the furniture. We added a few pokemon stickers around the room - mostly pikachu! When we finished I looked at the room and giggled "thank you!" they both smiled and held me.

"You're welcome baby boy" Kirishima said while kissing my cheek.

"No problem, anything to make you safe and happy" Bakugou said as he kissed my forehead.

I went and lay in the bed while Bakugou and Kirishima packed two bags, Bakugou's was yellow and Kirishima's was baby blue, they started putting little stuff in them, pacifiers, teddies, toys, sippy cups and pull ups.

"We're going to your place tomorrow ok?" Bakugou stated while packing his bag, I nodded slowly not wanting to go at all...

Bakugou and Kirishima held me and read me a story until I fell asleep, then they both left the room.


Hey guys!! Sorry for not posting last week I was in that mind set everyone is getting into where I can't be bothered to do anything 😂, anyway hope you enjoyed today's chapter and I will be posting later on this week to make up for not posting last weeks chapter. See you all on the next chapter!! 

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