~the News~

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Shuichis pov

Its now been about six months since the game ended. Almost half a year. Its 15th November. More people are starting to worry over ouma. We haven't got any new information on him or a message from him.
Miu's crying over him has gotten more sensitive, which has let to a domino effect of Gonta and a few others. Maki still "doesn't fucking care about him" and Tenko only cares because himiko dose. But a large group of people still don't care. "of he's gone, he's gone we can not do anything." Kirumi always says, even though it pains her to. she cared for kokichi most out of us all.
And kokichi clearly cared for her to.

No jealousy there...

Even though he did some bad things on danganronpa, the criticism he's getting is annoying me. And pissing me off.

I walked home from school and opened up the door leading to my house. Just my house. I'm uncle brought it me since he had too much money and I could gain some independence from this. I didn't bother much with saying no to him. My uncle is the the kind of person who whatever says goes. No counter attacks with him.

It works for me at the same time though, now I don't need to see danganronpa merch everywhere, since my uncle is also a fan.

The house wasn't anything too special, it was average size, yet too much space for me to live alone in though.

Another thing was that detective agencies have been asking for my help. Since I have the brain of a genius detective anyway. I have a lot of time to spare thses days so I do  help. since other then school, I have nothing better to do.

I sat down on my sofa and turned the news on, on the TV. There wasn't usually anything of interest on but again, I had nothing better to watch.

However, the new today was different. The captains read 'kokichi ouma is actually alive and well' I continued to each and the cameras showed the doors to the hospital I once walked out off.

It then showed kokichi limping onto a young woman, I asume was a relative of his. He looked much more  skinny now to the last time i saw him. You could clearly see dark circles under his eyes, meaning he must have had a lack of sleep. But something that was most notiable, was how he was acting. I could tell his actions were genuine. He seemed scared of the large crowd around him, it looked like he was looking for an escape, even the woman he was attached to seemed worried for him.

Something that had also suprised me was that the news headline was kokichi ouma is alive and well. Did more people think kokichi was dead? And why does it say he's 'well', He looks far from it the the footage.

Either way, I let out a sigh of relief knowing kokichi hasn't left us yet. He's probably going to join our school soon, so we can see him in person.

And I should probably apologise for the things I said to him...

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