Chapter 1: Walking Through The Beginning

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Another day at school, another girl beating some random skinny kid up 'for being a pushover'. You'd think I'd change the original setting from earlier, but I couldn't think of a better place to start the story.

Now you may be wondering what this has to do with anything. School violence is common. Emotional teens have their issues, and they take it out on literally anyone. Why focus on her being a 'girl'?

You see, it's because these two factors will have a crucial effect on the narrative. Be patient with me. I may sound like a long-winded fool, but I'm just trying to make a stage for the main character.


Trust me. I know what I'm doing.

Anyway... At the rooftop of the school, the weak-looking boy felt his fair share of suffering... This was at the hands of one particularly sadistic girl in his class. How 'great' was that? A character is suffering.

A wise philosopher once said that existence supersedes human nature... No matter what your past is, you are not defined by them. These are really 'optimistic' words when taken out of context.

For characters, the reason they are portrayed the way they are mattered more than anything. 'Essence' will become the first action a character took on screen, and their little backstory, their 'existence', is all put aside so the story could get working.

Maybe that topic is what THIS story is about.

Who could go against their nature? For some, their actions are determined by their past. Just like this certain young girl. A girl who had started bullying her classmate after a harsh trauma she endured.

Maybe because I mentioned that part late, but I can tell the readers aren't sympathising with her. The order of context has made her a villain, and now all the readers are thinking about is how this resolves.

"What are you looking at?" A frown appeared on the girl's lips. Shivering while looking at the boy with bloodshot eyes. Did she have a big reason to take her stress out on him? Haha... Not at all. Those who thought they're 'strong' tended to harass the 'weak'.

It was a mentality formed through practice... You can't think of another with empathetic lens while also bullying them. It doesn't work that way.All the mattered was a bully's satisfaction in the moment.

At least, that's what we'll focus on. And no, she isn't going to get a redemption arc or be mentioned ever again. This female bully shall be foil to make my protagonist look good! No over to the protagonist.

"Where AM I supposed to look at if not in your direction?" The boy... kinda disappointed me with his by-the-book response. Should I scrap this story and look for someone else to be my protagonist?

C'mon, tell a funny joke or something right after.

You gotta be interesting.

Oh, but since he talked back to her. This naturally earned him a kick to the stomach. A look of disdain appeared in the eyes of those girls around him. He felt anger welling up within, yet couldn't retaliate.

After all, he was so frail that any of the girls surrounding him could take his skinny little punk self on... It was the natural unfairness of the human body. How the young simply had to rely on talent.

The kid just wanted to get through all this without causing a commotion. It wasn't that he couldn't fight, but that punching someone can't stop them from coming back to harass you again later on.

On top of that, picking on girls wasn't in his nature, nor was it something others would overlook. He'd definitely be criticised for 'hitting girls' even if they were the ones who started it. It was just so unfair...!

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