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Daisuke was amused at your statement.
"How much, Kato-san?"
Meanwhile Haru was trying to figure out what was going on, he knew what you meant but he couldn't believe his ears.

His face changed from shocked to angered, what was the deal with you?!

"WHAT the hell l/n?!" Haru thundered while you just looked at him stoically, waiting for the price he wants.

Daisuke leaned on the wall crossing his arms and watching in amusement as to what you will say next.
"I want to know your price Kato, simple."
"Look here l/n I don't know if this is real or you're trying to be like this guy right here" he says pointing towards Kambe Daisuke.

You laughed lightly , "Just kidding! Kato you really got serious right there!"

Daisuke was somehow more than disappointed, he really thought you were serious about this.

Meanwhile, Haru knew that his life will be a living hell because of two colleagues that believed in bribing people.
"Now let's go..." Haru strutted out with you and Daisuke following close behind.

"You know I tried to bribe him too...he seems to hate it." Daisuke whispered in your ear.
"Mhm, got that."


Today's case seemed interesting , haru explained on the phone how you were supposed to enter a drug party to arrest the drug mafia.

"hmmm interesting, Kato-kun! I'm in."

He was embarrassed that you warmed up so quickly and added a cute honorific to his name. He mentally slapped himself 'get a hold Haru!'

You then reached the Police department and waited for Haru to start on the mission.

He arrived , seeing you in casual cute attire made his heart skip a beat.

"Let's go, we have to search for the girl's whereabouts who was with Isezaki. We have been keeping an eye on her for sometime..." He said in a serious tone and sat inside the car.

"You look tired, let me drive you home."
have you been searching Haru hesitantly agreed.
As soon as he entered the car something bothered you.

You sniffed the air, "Kato-kun, you smell!" You gagged and turned to the backseat as if searching for something.

"Here, please apply this scent to save my nose please!" You handed him your little brother's perfume that was conveniently inside your car.

Haru was kind of embarrassed but nonetheless applied the scent to his shirt and jacket.

You sighed I relief as you could finally breathe in.

"What perfume is this, smells amazing..." He asked you.
"Chanel duhhh" you giggled.

'Rich people ughh' he bitterly thought for some reason.

The drive to Haru's home was quiet , except him dozing off and snoring occasionally.

"Just how much do you work Kato-kun?" You said quietly and you finally reached the parking lot.

You turned to Haru and slapped his face with a money fan you made from the cash in your wallet.

"OI WHAT THE FUCK?!" He jolted up straight looking at you. Haru looked at the money fan and then you and then money fan again and finally his confused eyes were on you, who had top two shirt buttons undone and tie hanging loosely around the collar.
He blushed and looked away.
'What a tsundere'
"So Kato-kun...." You leaned closer to his seat, "You see I—" you were cut off as you heard heels ticking against the floor.

"Shit that's the girl! Who we've been following since a week!"

"Suzue?!" You thought out loud.

Hey there it's ya boi Hiro with another chapter, I can feel my writing getting sloppy already 😬 but istg I will try my best to make up something at least

"HOW MUCH?!"  Haru Kato X readerWhere stories live. Discover now