They are A World A Part

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"Here is the promise sandwich. And also, I will be checking the account book."

"Oh. Finally, I heard the Chief is treating us. Is this your work too, Princess?" Jason is one of Randy's crew.

"Yes. Please free to order next time."
She said with her very polite smile.

"Princess, you really am amazing. You can do just anything." Diana says and took her share. They are looking at the white paper and look at each other.

"You fold the paper here so you can hold the sandwich with both hands but won't get dirty from the sauces." She explained.

"Oh….OHHHHH! What is this amazing tower." They exclaimed.

Emerald just smile and bring Randy's share before she went at one side and starts working.

"Sooo gooooood. Chief. Princess, I want one tomorrow. I really want one!" Peirre says happily chomping at the sandwich.

Emerald smiles.
"Hahahaha. I told you it is to-die-for."

"True… I finally ate real food after a long time of eating at the cafeteria."
Diana says sobbing.

Randy also became startled as he took a bite on the sandwich.
"What is this? So tasty."

Emerald became happy. Of course, if they ate the club-house everyday they will feel tired of the taste. So, as long as it is still new, fresh and tasty in their opinion she wants to grab that chance to sell more sandwiches. She also has another gold mining recipe…..a beefy burger! But she is still saving money so she can buy a cold house to preserve perishables. It is not as safe as a refrigerator but it is good enough.

Once she gathered money. She will start selling a more expensive sandwich!

"You are smirking again. That's the same smile when you are caught selling a love potion." Randy frowns.

Emerald sighs.

"I already apologize about it. Why do you always bring back the past." She shakes her head.

The sun is already down when she returns.

Yolly hands her a note and a bundle of money.

The note is list of orders, names and also a special order from a Commander named Froilan.

"I feel like I heard his name before. Since he is generous. I will just double his order. If they can't finish it then I will share it to others." She happily starts preparing for tomorrow's batch order. 

"Princess, are you really not going to attend the party?" Jane asks.

"I….You know I don't have a dress for that kind of occasion. And even if I went..would anyone care about me?"

Jane sighs.
"I understand, princess."

Emerald stops kneading the dough and looks at the window. She can barely see the main palace from here. 

"I am not part of their world. Don't be too depressed. Don't think. Don't mind."

The night is long and the sound of laughter and lively music slowly faded as time gone by.

The maids are chattering here and there.

"Is it true?"
Even the maids in the South Palace heard about it.

"Princess! Your eldest brother, the eldest prince, he choses a commoner to be his fiancee!"

Emerald yawn and blink.


"What do you mean so? Aren't you suspicious? The Eldest Prince is a military nut and is not attractive to any woman. His majesty pressure him to choose in the ball party and he suddenly brought out a commoner fiancee! Isn't it strange?" Jane said is a panic tone.

"Jane…..why are you so concerned?"

"It's a scandal, Princess! I am sure that this is that…"


".....the legendary, contract agreement!"

Emerald chuckle and went back to bed.
"Good night, Jane."

"But princess!"

"Even if it is true, so what? Prince Rodrigo do things his way. No need to bother about affairs about the Princes."

"But….that commoner is not bad. She is very pretty."

"Maybe it is true love." She says not really caring.

Jane sighs.
"True….Who cares about it. Princess, aren't you going to prepare your sandwich early?"

"Hmmm…. 5 more minutes."


When Jane left, Emerald opens her eyes.
She sigh and look at her rough hands.

"They are really a world apart from me. Even if I care....Nobody will care about me. So Why bother? Yoshhh!!! I can't feel down. Come on! Let's start the day by making more money!"


Everyone is doing their training.
Commander Froilan is standing on the tree shade.
He sighs.
Prince Rodrigo really is a headache.
He remember how the King glares at the First Prince when he introduced his fiancee.
A commoner.
A commoner with a brown hair that can't be anymore plain than the table cloth that night.

He sighs again.



A trolley with a small girl pushing it appears from the side.
He just stare at her wondering what she wants.

"Sir Froilan. Anyone here that is called Sir Froilan?" The little girl shouted.

The soldiers stop and look at one direction.
The girl follow their gaze and stare at the imposing man under the tree shade.

"Oh. Thanks." Emerald smiles and pushes the trolley again.
One of the soldier with a black armor came and push the trolley.

"I will help you." He says.

Emerald let him do it while thanking him.

"Who?" Froilan asks.

"I am Princess Emerald of the South Palace." Emerald gave a proper introduction.

With that all the soldiers look at each other and in one swoop motion they place their right fist to their left chest and bow.

"Greetings to the daughter of the Sun." They all respectfully said.

Emerald raises her hand.
"Okay enough with that. I am not a major princess. I am the youngest princess so no need to bother. I just hope you keep calling me Princess Emerald. I am also not that knowledgable about ettiquette so do feel free to act normal with me around."

"Princess..." Froilan also bow lightly.
"I am the Military Commander Froilan Fausto."

"Eh?" -The Military Commander? "So that is why your name is familiar. This princess thanks the Commander bravery and protection. I heard a lot of things about you, Commander. How you always use your body to protect the Sun. Truly, a fitting man to his title."

Froilan fakes a cough while scratching his cheek.
"What ...What is it that the youngest star needs from this old man?"

"Oh...I deliver the club-house sandwich you ordered."


"Hmm? Didn't you order it? Thank you for your generosity. That 1 gold coin will be put to good use." Emerald smiles brightly.


I keep my word.

A Princess Pride is her Title : The Most Beloved PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now