For You (Kaimaki)

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I'm sorry that this took so long to make. Virtual classes have not been kind to me. In fact, my teachers think that we should have way more work than usual because of the extra freetime this virus is giving us.

It's not good for writing, let me tell you.

But now, I FINALLY get to write some Kaimaki!

Art by u/Kawageshirou. (I think so at least. If I'm wrong, let me know.)


Kaito's POV:

I can't help myself from laughing when Kaede grabs Shuichi's arm and drags him out of the dining hall before he can even finish eating. Shuichi's face of shock, Kaede's face of excitement, the way that he looks back at his food with an ounce of regret, it's so frickin' perfect.

I look over at Makiroll, only to see her trying to stifle a laugh and hide her grin beneath her pigtail. However, and I can hear a light giggle from behind it.

Her giggle makes my heart soar into the stars.




If only I could tell her that...

I just don't get it. How could shy, bashful Shuichi find the courage to confess to Kaede when I'm still shaking in my frickin' boots over Makiroll?

I return from my thoughts to see two red eyes squinting at mine.

Me: "Ack! Uh, I was staring, wasn't I?"

Maki: "...Yeah."

Me: "Sorry, got lost in thought."

Maki: "You have thoughts?"

A loud laugh escapes me as I put an arm around her.She pulls a pigtail over her face and looks away.

She looks so cute when she does that.

But then she looks back at me with squinted eyes and a suspicious glare.

Me: "Uh, Makiroll? W-what's wrong?"

Maki: "...Can I talk to you?"

Me: "About anything!"

Maki: "Good."

She tightly grabs my wrist and starts dragging me out of the dining hall.

Me: "What? Maki, let go!"

Maki: "We're going to my lab."

Well now I feel bad for laughing at Shuichi...

Me: "Is it really that important that nobody else can hear?"

Maki: "Yeah."

Me: "Fine then, just making sure. Oh, and by the way, you don't have to keep dragging me. I'm not gonna run away!"

Maki: "...Fine then."

She lets go of my wrist and I start walking beside her. I start rubbing my wrist as we walk.

Me: "Jeez, you've got a good grip. I thought my hand might fall off!"

Maki: "Sorry."

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