Dear Bully 7

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Dear Bully,
Your friends beat me up and dumped my body behind the bleachers you watched why didn't you join?.

Is it that you get a really sick and twisted pleasure seeing me in pain?

I know I'm not even presentable to the eyes but why do you keep doing this to me.

Why do you make me go through these things?.

Is it because I'm not beautiful?.

Is it because I am not skinny?

Is it because I am ugly?

I promise I am working on it, I swear I'm working on it.

Fat tear drops roll down my cheeks and unto the paper I was writing on as I remembered what had happened earlier today.

I don't know how long I was out for but I managed to sneak into my room and you saw me.

After I had gotten one of the worse beating of my life woke up behind the bleachers my body was an aching mess and most part were already purple from the beating I got.

I limped all the way from school with the terrible ache and Alex saw me, He just watched as I dragged my body into my house.

Does he derive some sick pleasure from my suffering?.

Atleast he's happy.

Atleast one of us is happy.

Atleast One is smiling.

Atleast One knows joy.

***Alex pov***

''Why was Ella coming back at this time? School has been closed for hours.'' I think to myself struggling to remember if she does any extracurricular activity.

She dropped all her club activities two years ago due to some reason she chose not to disclose.

I joined the theatre club because of her, then she went ahead and left the club, leaving me with responsibility I took for her.

Responsibility I never even wanted to begin with.

I watched as she limped toward her house.

Did she fall?

She looked a mess and I couldn't see her clearly but I swear I saw her dress was torn and a patch of blood trailed after her.

Shrugging it off as a trick of the light, I turned off my lights and went to bed

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