Dear Bully24

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Dear Bully,
School has been terrible as always
Well not as bad as before.

Miss Clarke called me to her class she said my grades are slipping too fast to go unnoticed.

She said to me "You were once an A student what happened talk to me"
But I was too scared I ran away when she tried grabbing my sweater she saw my scars.

Would she say something?

How would I explain the large cut marks on my hands and thighs,I can't exactly say I ran into a wall.

***Ella's pov***

Miss Clarke cornered me while I was about leaving, I had manged to avoided her for most of the week but I guess my luck ran out.

"Ella step into my office" She order

"But ma'am, my mother called saying she needs me" I lied ,Mother would never call me she hasn't once and she won't start now but I guess she saw through my lie, instead she spoke to me softly "I won't hurt you I just want to talk"

Miss Clarke is the nicest teacher that teaches in this school and I just couldn't bring myself to run away, I simply bow my head and walked into her office.

"Take a sit" she offered to which I gladly accepted because I was feeling a little bit drowsy, it happens a lot

"I am not impressed with your grades" She started "is there anything bothering you or distracting you?" She asked

"No" I answered her

"A boy perhaps" She said making my eyes go wide in disbelief getting the hint she continues

"Then what is the matter?"

"I just get confused most times, I blank out whenever the teacher is teaching and sometimes it just doesn't stick I'm trying" I replied honestly, I don't believe it's because of the lack of food maybe it's because I am too lazy.

Yes, that it I am lazy I've been slacking off too much.

"Well if you need someone to talk too just know I am there for you also I would assign you a student tutor"

"Oh no ma that won't be necessary I'm working on it" I quickly speak up.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am"

"Ok if you say so"

"Is that all?" I asked

"Yes that would be all" She replied dismissing me.

"Thank you ma"

She didn't notice I rejoiced in my head

"Oh and one more thing" She called out to me

Making me turn to face her

"Get something to eat you are becoming a ghost" She joked and I grimace but hid it behind a smile.

She doesn't know what she is talking about.

This is beautiful.

Then I head home with one thing on my mind

I need to tell mother.

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