Dear bully 11

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Dear Bully,
The football team thought it'd be fun to use me as a tackle dummy.
You watched.
I hope you had fun watching me get tackled and thrown around like a ball.

Why don't you hit me?.

It won't make any much difference since your friends do it.

Also why were you shouting at Claire your face looked so red that I could swear I that I thought your vein would pop out of your neck.

Did she say something?

I don't know why I'm curious, I just am.

Some how my social media account was hacked today.
I know it was you.
After all you bragged about it
You ruined my barely existing social image
You posted porn with my face somehow edited into the scene.
You have talent why waste it on me.

***Ella's pov***

"How much do I gotta pay for a blowjob" Emerson one of Alex Friend joked leaning in to close to me.

"It wasn't me in the video" I argued

"Yes and I am Pinocchio" He scoffed causing his friends to blow up into fits of laughter, I tried walking around him but he didn't let me through.

"I have to go to class" I struggled as Emerson got a hold of me.

"Yeah miss smarty pants ofcourse we don't care about our grades, feeling so high and mighty" Sammy one of Claire's friends rolled her eyes at me.

"Please let me go" I begged, Emerson's grip tightened bringing back memories I never wanted to remember.

"I had fun last time and I'll have a taste again" Emerson whispered into my ear sending shivers down my spine not the 'Omg I'm feeling hot' kind of shiver the exact opposite.

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