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I heard loud bangs on the door I was in the bathroom so my mum attended to who ever was at the door.
I heard some shouts and some very colourful exchanges were made.
Confused I hurried up with my business and came out only to be dragged by Alex
His face set in an angry expression his injuries not as bad as before it's been days now since he had been found apparently he was involved in a accident with Claire turns out she's psycotic luckily they both survive but Claire had been put in a mental institution.

"What the hell is this?" He asked waving a bunch of paper in my face.

The letters

"Are you just reading those?" I asked ignoring the question.

"Yes! Now what the hell is this?" He yelled more

My mum stared at me in shame
"Ella answer the damned question" He yelled

"Can you stop" I cried as he held my hand tighter I had cut my self recently and he going to open up the wind which I didn't want my mum to see

The scars Claire had left on my face made me look hideous and I hated it I was ugly.
She destroyed my face.

Tears dropped from my eyes. Alex looked taken back at first before he looked down at the hand he was hold I was bleeding

I wasn't crying because of the pain no.
I was crying because my mum saw it.
she knows.
She looked shocked , terrified and hurt.

Alex released my hand and I stormed past him into my bedroom locking the door behind me and broke down crying.

I didn't write to Alex that week.
I thought he had been reading my letters, turns out he just opened all of them in one day.

My mum refused to talk to me for a while she eventually did speak to me.
She sat me down and said
"I'm sorry for never being there,I'm sorry for not seeing the signs I just don't want to lose my baby girl" she cried I walked round the table to hug her .
We reconciled and she made me promise to make an effort.
And I lied
She doesn't need to know.

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