Curiosity Killed The Cat But Satisfaction Brought it Back!

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Someone bumped into me and I stumbled back a bit.

When no response came I glared up at whoever hit me without apologizing.

They were incredibly tall, I came just up to their shoulders.

The man wore green clothes that resembled the pink-haired man’s in design but was just a few plain shades of green. He had an indigo mohawk that fluttered out of his scalp like blades of grass.

His skin was tinged a light grey and his cheekbones jutted out like knives. His head twitches repeatedly.

Though, I suppose the most shocking part of his appearance was the smattering of pins over his body. They were centered on his face but some outliers cascaded down his chest. 
He was unnerving in the strangest way, nothing about him screamed any agitation towards me.

In fact, it almost seemed he didn’t notice me.

But it was the strangeness of his appearance that brought forth my sudden hesitance. 
This place is full of weirdos!’ I mentally shook the thoughts from my system.

The man was staring at me, his eyes were dark and crazy looking. His eyelids looked like they were stretched wide and tight, unnatural.

I wring my fingers as he seemed to scrutinize me.

“Watch yourself.” He said, voice stuttering yet it did not seem due to any emotions.

It was wavering, an odd twitch like the one his body seemed to have.

Anger bubbled low in my throat as I fought the urge to yell. 

“Well, considering I was the one standing here for the past five minutes and not moving anywhere, I think it’s safe to say I wasn’t at fault here. You bumped into me. Not the other way around. So, as you were the one walking, you were the one supposed to watch yourself.”

My tongue felt heavy in my mouth, making talking difficult, I struggled not to slur my words as my heart raced and panic set into my limbs.

I had no trouble telling people off, it was only the fact that I had no idea who this man was that caused my anxiety to flare up. 

He betrayed nothing.

Not a twinge of irritation or interest, not a flash in the eyes. Nothing in his body language displayed his emotions.

It was unnerving as I waited for a response. 

“I guess you are correct.” That was all he said.

He went to walk past me and I followed him with my eyes. He was weird and set me on edge.

He seemed powerful, yet chose not to argue with me.

The man walked over to a wall and met up with the clown man from before. I sucked in a breath.

They know each other?

Are they friends?
Of course someone as strange seeming as the clown man hung out with someone as strange as Pinhead.’

As I was watching them I wasn’t aware of my surroundings, and when I turned I smashed into something.

Looking down I saw the little boy in green from before. He was staring up at me in shock.

Immediately, the blonde and the man in the suit were by his side and glaring at me.

I blink. 

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you. I wasn’t paying attention.” I said awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck.

The boy shook his head. 

“It’s okay! My names Gon!”

I blinked at his hyper behavior.

Smiling I held out my hand, he blinked at it before smiling and taking it.

He had a good handshake and I hummed in satisfaction. 

“I’m (Y/N), you seem quite approachable, so can you please tell me what’s going on?”

Gon stared at me incredulously and his friends seemed just as baffled. 

“You don’t know what this is?” The blonde asked in surprise, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. 

“I knew a cutie like you couldn’t be here for the exams!” The man in the suit exclaimed, glasses slipping down his nose and his back slouched.

I blinked at them, uncomfortable in my lack of knowledge. 

“These are the Hunter exams!” Gon said, eyeing me curiously. 

The Hunter exams…I really did it this time.’

I sighed and glanced around.

“That makes so much sence. Damn, I’m a fucking idiot.”

I squeezed the bridge of my nose. 
“How could you be here and not know what this is?” The blonde asked, recovering from their shock.

I waved them off and looked to the dark ceiling. 

“I was hungry and went into a random restaurant, you guys were in front of me and you looked like newbies too, so I thought this steak combo was a good meal for newbies…”

I waved my hand dismissively.

“The man sent me back and I ended up here. When I tried to leave the doors were shut and there were no buttons to push.”

Sighing I looked to the doors I came through. 

“Just tell the instructor and you’ll probably be escorted out.” The blonde shook his head.

He seems like the responsible one.

“My name is Kurapika. And this is Leorio.” He said, pointing to the man in the suit.

I nodded but then my eyes filtered over to the clown man and his Pinhead friend.

If I left now I wouldn’t get to figure out this odd inkling in the back of my head. 

Curiosity killed the cat…’ I thought worriedly.

But satisfaction brought it back!’

Smirking I decided to see this through. 

“I am Satotz, your first examiner. Now that all the contestants are here we will begin the first exam. Be warned that death is probable. If you do not feel ready the exit is to the right.” A voice rang out, it was from a man standing in front of a tunnel.

He had lilac hair that curled at the ends and a dark mustache that curled into a swirl at the tips. He wore a tailored suit.

The examiner paused, and when none made any move to leave, decided it was safe to continue.

Kurapika glanced at me but I just smiled mischievously.    
“For the first exam, all you have to do is follow me. Make sure to keep up.”

Then Satotz turned and began to walk into the tunnel.

A murmur tore through the crowd as we began to follow.

The phrases, ‘this will be so easy!’ and ‘that’s it?’ rang out.

But this was the Hunter exams, it couldn't be that simple, could it? 

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