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After leaving the room Hisoka and I walked along a long winding hallway.

Taking sharp turns and walking through narrow doorways.

The entire time was either spent in utter silence or with Hisoka’s non-stop pestering about unleashing my power.

It wasn't quite annoying, but it wasn't welcome either.

During my musing, Hisoka swung his arm out and I ran into it, startling out of my daze. 

"What?" I asked, glancing around.

Then I saw it.


Hisoka hummed.

In front of us was a large hole. As wide as the hallway and as long as about ten feet.

Hisoka and I shuffled forward till we were staring over the edge. It didn't seem to have a bottom. Gulping I swayed back. 

"Scared of heights?" Hisoka teased, leaning over even further.

Instinctively I latched onto his arm and held him to me, dragging him away from the edge. He chuckled and poked my nose. 

"Cute~" Blushing I batted his hand away. 
"Stop doing that!" I glared at his hand but he just snickered.

Taking a deep breath I let out a patient sigh. 

"Turn around." Hisoka hummed but obliged. 

"If you wanted to stare at my ass that badly all you'd have to do is ask~ I'm not against a woman's attention~"

I snorted but my eyes couldn't help but dip down to take a glance. 


I eyed his backside with hungry eyes.

From the top of his back to his ass I took in the cut physique.

His teasing laugh snapped me out of my daze and I shook my head. 

'He's always getting to me!'

Internally growling I turned around and placed my back against his.

He was much taller than me, I could feel his back muscles flex as he brought his arms up to hook with mine.

His biceps pressed against mine and I suppressed a shiver. 

"Ready~," Hisoka asked, pressing his back into mine.

Nodding I pressed mine into his and together we lifted our legs, one at a time, up the walls.

We walked in sync, perfectly in tune, and aware of one another's every move.

Moving along the wall we made it halfway before Hisoka opened his mouth.

"Say~ if I was to let us drop, you would be forced to show me your power?"

My foot slipped a little and Hisoka pushed back to help me regain my footing.

The action going against his words seemed natural, like a reaction instead of conscious thought.

Slowing my heartbeat we began to move again. 

"If you do that I would let you do all the work out of spite just to make you pay. Content to allow myself to fall to my doom."

Hisoka huffed a laugh and I turned to push my face into his back as I almost slipped again.

In response, Hisoka laid his head onto my shoulder and looked at me. 

"I won't let you die."

My eyes widened and my mouth fell open, heat growing on my cheeks and my heart clenching.

"Not until you show me your power~" He smirked and I glared at him.

Laughing, he raised his head. My cheeks burned. 
Finally, we reached the end of the hole and slowly brought ourselves back to the floor.

When his back left mine a chill settled into my skin.

I already missed the feel of his body next to mine.

Clearing my throat I walked forward and Hisoka followed behind me silently.

At the end of the narrow corridor was a closed door.

Yanking it open Hisoka and I walked into a dark room.

There was an evil chuckle and instinctively Hisoka and I moved closer together.

Green candles lit up mysteriously, one after another, in a long line. When the last one lit the room was completely visible. 

A man stood at the other end with a manic grin.

He had two scars that climbed up from his jaw to his cheeks while two others came up from opposite ends of his jaw to the middle of his forehead. His hair was dark green, the top part fraying off of his head like a mane. He wore a furry brown vest and no shirt, showing off his honed muscles. 

"I've been waiting for you Hisoka!" The man laughed evilly and I glanced at Hisoka to gauge his reaction.

He watched the man with indifference. 

"I spent the entirety of this year training to be able to beat you! After what you did to my face I will never be able to claim I'm a Hunter until I take you down!"

The man took out two curved knives and threw them at Hisoka, and by circumstance, me. They spun in the air like giant sharrukin. 
Panicking I went to dodge but Hisoka chose the other way and we stumbled, the daggers snagging Hisoka's shoulder and my thigh.

The man laughed and took out two more before throwing them and catching the first ones he threw.

Huffing I grabbed Hisoka’s shirt and pulled him to me, his arm snaking around my waist.

We moved as one, dodging the knives. One came dangerously close to Hisoka and I pulled him back, careful to dodge the one behind me.

We danced around, and if our lives weren't on the line I'd say it felt a little romantic. 

"What's wrong Hisoka? Too scared to face me without a bitch to hide behind!!" The man roared and I turned to glare at him.

But then Hisoka was pushing me away and snatching the blades out of the air. 

"But how!" Hisoka hummed and glared at the man. 

"Dodging would have been troublesome, but catching them…My~ That was easier than expected."

Hisoka glanced at me before looking back at the man, he gave the blades an experimental swing, careful of my hand. 
"You should really learn to be more respectful~ to bad you won't get the chance!"

Then Hisoka threw the knives and beheaded the man.


He turned back to me with a satisfied smile, but then his eyes went wide.

Reflexes kicking in I tried to dodge the knife coming for my head.

But then Hisoka was in front of me deflecting the knife with a card.

Something about the image snapped me back into a long-forgotten memory.

Hisoka’s back facing me as he stares down at an enemy, shielding me with his body before lunging after the enemy and killing him.

Then he picked my broken body up and ran, holding me to him. 

"You can't die on me yet, you still owe me a match! It was a mistake to allow him to fight you, you're my precious fruit, I should have taken better care of you. Not let someone else taste your power, not when they know nothing of cultivating fruit." 

The memory receded but the feeling did not.

Hisoka had saved my life.

But he also endangered it.

I was right, he was the euphoria and the pain.

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