Right On The Tip Of My Tongue

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So I was right.

It wasn’t that simple.

What started out as a brisk walk turned into a light jog and then a full-on sprint.

It wasn’t difficult, just mildly annoying.

People started dropping like flies within the first ten minutes of the run.

People who weren’t in shape wouldn’t stand a chance as a Hunter, they need to have stamina and endurance, otherwise, the Hunter Organization would be handing out death sentences. 
“You’re not even breaking a sweat! How?” Leorio panted next to me.

He may be skinny, but he was just barely passing the endurance requirement.

Kurapika was breathing heavily but was still doing better than Leorio.

Gon had sprinted off with some kid named Killua in a race. 
“I may have stumbled upon the exams by accident. But I wouldn’t still be here if I couldn’t make it.”

Kurapika glanced at me and frowned in dismay. 
“Why are you guys here?” I asked, glancing at Leorio as he stumbles and catches himself.

He had stripped his shirt off and Kurapika took off that blue overcoat thing. 

“For the money! You can do anything with a license!” Leorio panted out and I gently nudged him when I saw him lean heavily to one side.

He was full of sweat.

Curling my nose I rubbed my hand on my pant leg. 

“That’s so selfish! You’re just greedy!” Kurapika scolded, a fierce glare displaying his dismay.

Leorio grunted and glared back. 

“I grew up poor, okay! My best friend died from an illness that could have easily been treated! But we didn’t have anything to pay the doctor! So I decided to get my medical degree! But do you know how expensive that is! If I have a license I can get the degree and then no kid would die from something so common!” Leorio would have been yelling if not for the lack of air in his lungs.

I watched as Kurapika startled and looked away remorsefully. 

“I am the lone survivor of the Kurta Clan, my clan was killed by the Phantom Troupe for our scarlet eyes.”

Kurapika’s warm brown eyes burned a bright scarlet and I almost tripped as the sudden change startled me.

They truly were worth killing for.

Bright, dazzling rubies. 

“They were considered so beautiful they were one of the seven wonders of the world.” Kurapika was talking low, but his hatred burned loudly. 

“I’m going to hunt down the Phantom Troupe and reclaim the eyes of my clansmen.” He declared, snapping his eyes towards me.

The rubies turned back to chestnuts as he regarded me. 

“Why did you decide to stay?”

I bit my lip and instinctively turned to the clown man.

He was just slightly behind me. I had been keeping track of him since the start, he was barely trying, this was like a leisurely walk in the park for him.

Kurapika must have followed my eyes because he was suddenly moving closer and attempting to whisper in my ear. 

“You’re here for Hisoka?”

I blinked and snapped my gaze to Kurapika’s concerned expression. 

“His name’s Hisoka?”

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