Part 1.4

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y/n pov

I arrived home and heard multiple voices. Maybe Huening had friends over? I walked in with a smile

  ' hi' I said and I saw Huening with Jimin and Jason. My smile faded as soon as I saw Jimin and I felt my heartbeat increase, I felt the picture in the pocket of my jacket.

  'hi y/n' they said and I tried to smile at them

   'we are going to watch the basketball game soon, do you want to watch with us?' Huening asked

     'uhm no, that's fine I am going to my room'

  'but you love watching basketball?' he said confused

That was true I always watched with him but I just got anxious seeing Jimin. I needed to solve this. how was this possible?

   'uhm yes but I am not feeling great' I answered still staring at Jimin

   'uh okay sis'

I went to my room and started to work out every possibility

 Jimin pov

   'and where were you?' Yoongi asked as I tried to sneak into the house

   'I uhm went to Huenings'

   'oh, how was it?'

    'we watched the basketball game, it was really fun'

Yoongi looked a bit uneasy

   'was y/n there as well?'

I looked at him and then remembered how y/n was staring at me and how Huening said that she was behaving really strange

  'well yes, but she didn't want to watch the game with us, and actually she was kind of acting strange, she looked at me but she seemed afraid or something?'

   'might be nothing though'

I quickly added and Yoongi looked a bit questioningly at me

 y/n pov

I hadn't slept well in a few nights since I found the picture of the Jimin look a like, well the Jimin and Yoongi look alikes. I had been avoiding Yoongi as much as possible. Which sucked cause we sat next to each other and we just had the nice dinner together. The more I tried to avoid the guy the more he tried to talk to me.

I mean I thought about all the possibilities and the stupidest thing was that a vampire was the most likely. but like a vampire? that was impossible?

but then again the first day when he heard what I said to Rosie, was impossible

And that time his face changed when my leg was bleeding

or how he knew so much in detail about this certain quite unknown battle

or how many details he knew about van Gogh and Edgar Allan Poe, things that only friends would know

 Wednesday I was sitting on the bench, writing some poem in my notebook that was homework. I was completely focused on it when I suddenly heard Yoongi's voice

   'y/n' his voice was serious 'uh yes?' I looked up

   'promise me you won't go into the woods by yourself anymore'

I was very confused

   'how did you know I go to the woods by myself?'

   'I - uh, just don't fucking do it' Yoongi stated but suddenly turned around and walked away

what the fuck?

At the end of the day I walked towards my locker, I saw it was open. how was that possible? I reached it and saw everything was drenched. my papers, my books, just everything. I quickly scanned through it and found my parents picture with their own written message on the backside, It was ruined. I felt tears in my eyes

    'seems someone wanted to clean her locker but forgot to take her stuff out?' I heard Rosie behind me chuckling. I turned around

  'awh is our poor y/n sad?'

  'why?' I said trying to hold back my tears

   'I told you to stay away from Yoongi'

  'you fucked up one of the few things I have from my parents cause of a fucking boy? what the fuck is wrong with you'

Rosie seemed to be taken aback by my aggression

   'maybe you shouldn't put that in your locker, I thought you were smart?'

I slapped her in her face, which received an ohh from basically everyone around us.

I grabbed my bag and ran out with the drenched picture still in my hands. There was nothing more I wanted then to be alone right now, and I knew exactly the place to go. Although Yoongi's warning replayed in my mind I didn't care.

 I walked into the forest, I wanted to cry. Fuck Rosie and fuck everyone for that matter, fuck Yoongi as well. I heard a branch break and I turned around scared.

There was a guy, handsome with black hair and black clothes. how did he even managed to get here so fast?

An anxiety hit me, somewhere deep inside I knew how he got here so fast.

    'hello' he said

  'hi' I trembled out of fear

   'what is a pretty girl like you doing alone in the woods?'
   'could ask you the same' I said without emotion

he chuckled

  'I am looking for some food'

  'well they have supermarkets for that, and you won't find them in the woods'

  'I have a taste for something particular'

My heart was beating out of my chest. I knew what he meant.

   'are you a vampire?'

 The boys' face completely changed

  'how do you know about vampires?' he walked towards me.

In a way my world started to spin, but on the other hand I was focused on keeping him distracted, thinking of a way to escape.

  'I uhm it's a guess'

then I instantly started running. but within seconds I was pushed against a tree

  'I have to admit, you are interesting but I am here to eat, sorry angel'

I felt a sting in my neck as the boy put his fangs in me and I screamed cause it hurt like hell.

suddenly the boy's teeth were gone from neck, Yoongi stood in front of me

  'she is off limits Jungkook' he growled out

  'don't interrupt a vampire eating Yoongi. you always look down on humans, what does this one matter?'

  'none of your business'

  'now it makes sense she know about vampires, you told her? but man she tastes exquisite, you have to share her'

He stepped forwards again

  'she is mine' Yoongi said firmly still standing in front of me.

the boy's face changed at hearing Yoongi's words and he calmed down from his 'excitement' so to say

  'ah I understand. I am sorry I was not aware, I will leave'

the boy vanished like in less than a second.

I was in complete shock I felt how blood from my neck was dripping in my shirt, in my bra. I put my hand on there and it became drenched pretty fast.

  'Yoongi? I think I am bleeding' I said with a trembling voice, my legs became weak and black spots started to cover my sight. Right before I collapsed Yoongi caught me. He carried me in his arms bridal style. I looked at him, his fangs now visible, before closing my eyes.

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