Part 2.9

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Yoongi pov

I woke up lying on the couch in the living room. Everything was rather ambiguous

-'he woke up' Jimin stated and him, Jin and Namjoon gathered around me.

-'what do you remember?' Namjoon asked

I started to think, flashes entering my mind. I was with y/n in an alley, then in a house, I left her to make the vampires follow me and it worked. They were too strong and I ended up on the ground, that was the last thing I remembered.

-'I was in the woods with the vampires, y/n was in a house'

-'where is y/n?' I asked looking at their faces.

They all looked down with sadness


I felt a fear creeping up on me, would they have found her after I blacked out? but why didn't they kill me?

-'she uhm called me to ask for help, and so we all arrived and she was there, as well as Felix and Chan. One of the vampires tried to put a stake through your heart and she saved you but instead he pierced her'

Everything around me became blurry, I leaned on the couch again.

- 'where is y/n?' I repeated my initial question

- 'she is in your room'

-'she is dead' I somewhat stated instead of asked

They now exchanged looks and both Jin and Namjoon stared at Jimin. He started to play with his hands nervously

--'uhm so I was there and she told me things to tell you and Huening, but I thought I was able to save her, so uhm I fed her my blood'

A silence filled up the room, Jimin guilty looking down. In a way I was hoping that she was saved by this but from the moment I had woken up all three of them had been looking like something terrible had happened so deep down I already knew.

--'you did what?'

There was this incomprehension in my voice

-'she was dying and I thought I could save her by feeding her my blood' Jimin repeated

- 'but you didn't ask her if she wanted you to?'

- 'no she was unconscious before I could ask her'

Another hesitation from Jimins side but he knew he had to tell me.

-'and then I was too late, the blood I gave wasn't enough to save her because she was already too far gone, but now she died with my blood in her system, so..'

Jimin didn't finish his sentence but looked to the ground with guilt.

It now hit, I already knew deep down but hearing Jimin say it out loud made it real.

She died with Jimin's blood in her system meaning she was now

a vampire 


Yoongi pov

y/n' was lying next to me, the smell of her hair right next to my nose, my head on her shoulder as I hugged her from behind, she was my little spoon. My arm around her and she was caressing it with her fingers, trailing with her nails from my upper arm slowly to my hand.

-'I wished we could stay like this forever' she whispered,

I moved her around, slightly shocked, to look into her eyes

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