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kouyou's division was welcoming, and you made some friends in the few weeks you spent settling in, and getting used to the port mafia lifestyle.

but today was different than the past days you'd spent here. you were called into a meeting between mori, kouyou, and an executive by the name of 'chuuya nakahara'.

you stopped in front of the familiar door, and knocked three times, ignoring the way your heart was beating all too fast, and too many panicked thoughts were generating at once.

"come in." mori's voice echoed from the other side of the door. you pushed open the heavy wood of the door, and recognized all the faces in the room.

chuuya nakahara was the man that had caught your eye at the executive debriefing about your ability. his azure eyes seemed to pierce through
you, and his gaze stung like hot embers.

"y/n, have a seat." mori offered, a polite smile etched onto his face as you stepped forward to take a seat beside kouyou.

"now, why am i here, boss?" the man chuuya questioned, adjusting his hat on his head. it seemed he didn't know the nature of this meeting either.

kouyou, chuuya and yourself all stared at mori
expectantly, waiting for some kind of explanation on why this meeting was being held, and why it was the three of you.

"i want to make an adjustment, you see." the raven haired man began, raising a finger as if to say "hear me out." "i would like to change
y/n's position here."

you were stunned. you'd only been with the mafia a few short weeks, and gone on only a handful missions, but mori was already trying to change where you stood? you didn't know what to make of it, so you said nothing, and waited for him to continue.

"before anyone jumps to any conclusions, i ask that you allow me to finish before interrupting." he requests, eyeing both you and chuuya accusingly. you roll your eyes, but nod nonetheless.

"i would like chuuya and y/n to become partners." he beamed, clapping his hands together as if he's come up win an ingenious idea, but the thought didn't sit well with you.

"let me explain my thinking." he glanced between you and chuuya again, and for a moment you wondered why kouyou was even here if she was going to be ignored. "you both have such similar abilities, and working together, the two of you could accomplish so much for this organization."

you didn't know what chuuya's ability was, but you could sense the soul of a god residing inside of the man, and you wondered what god that might be.

"i don't need a partner." chuuya spat, his distaste evident in the way he spoke with venom dripping from the negative words.

you too didn't agree with this. "neither do i. i'm doing just fine with kouyou!" you insisted, speaking your opinion clearly.

they saved me

you didn't have the right to argue with him if this was his decision. he saved your life and you would repay him with yours.

"mori, are you sure she's ready?" kouyou questioned. she wasn't doubting your abilities, you knew she believed in your capabilities. she was questioning whether you could handle the pressure. especially when you still were learning social grace.

"i can handle it." you mumbled, looking at your lap. although, you really didn't want to. how were you meant to trust this man? kouyou showed you she cared right off the bat, but already this man is rejecting you.

"chuuya, i wasn't asking." mori states, eyebrows raised in a calm warning. chuuya sighed.

"i really don't need a partner. but you're the boss. i'll work with her if that's what you require of me." chuuya ground out, and you nearly flinched at the subtle aggression. what was his problem? you didn't agree with it either, but you weren't aggressive about it. did he dislike you already?

"what about you kouyou?" mori questions, finally turning to face the woman, who's face was stone.

"i don't think you should be making this change so soon. we don't know what kind of stress it could put on her mentally, but you're in charge. just don't overwork her. after all, she's one of us now." you could hear the warning tone in her voice. kouyou didn't want to see you get hurt, and especially not when she could have prevented it.

"i understand, kouyou. i'm sure chuuya will look after her." he grinned, turning back to the smaller executive. "isn't that right?"

chuuya grit his teeth, and you swore you could hear them grinding, before he muttered out a "sure.", and got up, exiting the room quickly.

you watched after him until the door closed, and kouyou reached for your hand, bringing your thoughts to her instead.

"i'll be okay." you assured her, offering her a warm smile. "nothing i can't handle." you sounded sure, confident. you didn't want her to worry about you. but inside, your heart was beating a mile a minute, and you couldn't get your nerves to calm down. how were you supposed to work with someone who already decided that they hated you.

you bit your lip anxiously, but squeezed kouyou's hand for her sake more than your own.


you spent the rest of the day in your room, kouyou's been bringing you books to read since you joined her division, and slowly but surely you've been going through them.

you were anxious. you couldn't stop thinking about chuuya and his azure eyes and how he wouldn't look at you when after he was told you were to be his partner.

why did he hate you already? you didn't think you'd done anything to offend him, you haven't even had a conversation before.

not that you were really worried about it. you didn't want anything to do with him either. you couldn't trust him.

you trusted kouyou and kouyou alone. you only listened to mori because you owed him your life. there was something about that raven haired man that set you on edge.

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