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you found out soon enough, after your overwhelming emotions calmed down, that you had made a big mistake. you looked around at the bustling city, and people going by.

you said you would head back to the port mafia on your own, but there was a problem. you were never alone in the outside world before. you never had to navigate your own way back before, you always had kouyou with you, or someone else.

you looked at the colorful shops, and cars shooting by quickly. how were you supposed to find your way back in a big city like yokohama?

you clenched your teeth. the sun would be setting soon, and you wanted to be back before dark.

you zipped up your comfortable leather jacket as it began to get colder out since night was approaching, and began to walk in a randomly selected direction.

after a while longer of trying to navigate your own way back, you gave up. you were hungry, and you had money on you, but you would admit (if only to yourself) that you were nervous to go into a shop and get anything. socializing, especially in a public setting was a different kind of fear than in battle.

when it came to killing and bloodshed and conflict, you barely bat an eye, but the thought of going in there and ordering food in a small restaurant made you sweat in a new kind of way. one that involved no physical activity, just conversing with a person about what you wanted from them in exchange for your money.

you swallowed hard, and opened the door to the quaint little restaurant. you were hungry, and that was something you learned not to ignore.

you instead, you would ignore your anxiety, and made your way to the counter.

you ordered your food successfully, and paid for it, taking a seat by the window as you wondered how you were going to get back to the port mafia.

at this point you had no choice. you'd been putting it off for at least a couple of hours as you wandered yokohama's streets aimlessly, hoping you would somehow come across HQ.

no such luck.

you had to call someone.

by now, you knew kouyou was probably busy. she usually had meetings after dark.

you had to call chuuya.

he was the only other person you would consider yourself to have any sort of relationship with that wasn't strictly work related.

after your last mission your emotions toward him were unidentifiable for the moment, but you'd deal with them later in the safety of your own room.

for now, you fished your cell phone out of your jacket pocket, and found chuuya's contact, clicking on the call button, and putting the phone up to your ear, scrunching your nose up when you heard it ringing, signaling that he should be picking up. why isn't he picking up?

"hello?" you heard his familiar voice greet from the other end of the line.

you huffed, silently admitting your defeat against the outside world. you couldn't find your way back from here.

"chuuya." you said, grimacing at your next words. "can you come get me?"

you didn't mean for your words to come out more cracked than you'd intended, and you didn't expect chuuya to react so quickly to your obvious panic.

depth of darkness || nakahara chuuya x readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora