ch9 - ballboy

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"There!" I excitedly say as I add the final touch to my piece. I take a step back and take it all in. I spot something I need to fix. "There," I add the final-final touch. I examine it again. "Perfect-wait no." Going back to work, I add the final-final-final touch. But I added to much, I need to blend it out. Now it's good. Or is it? I tilt my head a bit and take a few steps back. AH! I see what's wrong. I go back to my piece and add a few more final-final-final-FINAL touches. "Hmm, better." I think out loud to myself, "Mai, can you take a look at this for me?" I call to my friend.

"Sure thing," She stands next to me, "Wow, this is amazing."

"Anything I need to fix?"

"Um...Right here." She points to the painted canvas, "It need to be blended."

"I see it! Thanks Mai." I bring my brush back to my canvas. There it is good, I am done. No more changes. I refuses to add anymore to it. "I'm done!" I say more to myself than anyone.  

"Ooo, wow." I hear from behind me. It was our club leader, Kaori. "Can I display it?"

"Oh! Um- Sure." I was a little startled by the sudden request. This wasn't the first time my art has been on display, but I didn't think this piece would be on display. This piece was more personal. Passing up an opportunity to display may art would be foolish though. 

I grab my art and follow Kaori out of the clubroom. Stepping outside, I could see the sun already setting. Days kept getting shorter and shorter now that it's winter. Passing the gym heading to the main building, I hear the echos of volleyball. That's right, the training camp started a few days ago. I should check it out later. 

Kaori and I wander through the halls, looking for a spot to put up my art. We find an empty spot in a display case out front of the cafeteria. Everyone it gonna see this. My cheeks heat up a bit at the thought.  Kaori unlocks the case and we put up my piece. 

"There, it's lovely." Kaori begins, "Ok, while I sill have these keys I have to go around and take down some old pieces."

"Alright, bye and thank you." I turn and head back to the club room to pack my stuff up. Nearing the clubroom, I noticed the echo from volleyball has stopped. 

"THANK YOU, BYE". I spot a small boy, maybe a middle schooler, yell as he exits the gym. I notice the writing on the back of his jacket, Karasuno high volleyball club. So not a middle schooler??? He's so short. He slides the door closed and heads in the direction of the main school building. He stops and looks around, unfamiliar with his soundings. I sigh. He's lost. 

"Are you lost?" I ask the short boy as I approach him. He turns to me with a relieved look, as if I saved him from the labyrinth. He quickly nods his head. "Where are you trying to go?"

"To the front gate." He replies.

"HA! You're going in the completely opposite direction." I tease, earning a slightly embarrasses look from him. It was adorable. "I'll have take you there myself, can't have you getting lost again."

"I won't get lost!" He insists, "I can follow directions."

"I don't know," I begin, "This place is pretty big. It would be easy for a little guy like you to get lost here. Come on" I wave at him to follow me.

"Fine, thanks -" He pauses waiting for me to finish his sentence with my name.

"(l/n), (l/n) (f/n)"

"Thank you (l/n)!" He says with a big smile on his face. So cute. "I'm Hinata Shoyo."

"Nice to meet you, Hinata." We begin walking to the entrance. "Why are you headed to the entrance? You where at the training program right? I though invitees got accommodations by today." I recall the information from papers I had snooped through on the train.

"Ah," He scratch the back of his head, "I wasn't exactly invited."

"What?!" I giggle a little at his interesting situation. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm the ballboy!" He say as if he was announcing he the was the ace. This makes me giggle more. He's certainly interesting. "What's so funny?"

 "Did we really run out of ballboys that we had to recruit one from a different school?"

"What? No, I'm not normally the ballboy. I am a middle blocker." Confidence fills his voice, disbelief fills me. "I..just...snuck into the training camp and they let me stay as the ballboy."

I burst out laughing. "You snuck into the training camp!? What are you, an idiot?" 

"It's not funny! Geez, you sound just like Tsukki. I need to train so that I can catch up to my rival. That's why I'm here"  His face fills with determination as we stop in front of the school gate. "We're here, thanks (l/n)!" 

"Bye, Hinata. I hope I see you around." I wave to the funny boy as he hops on his bike.  

{alternative chapter title: ch9 - Lost, Part 2}

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