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Harry's first word was "Padfoo" (padfoot). He said it one day while Sirius was over. James was delighted, but Lily wasn't so impressed.

Hugh Grant was originally casted as Gilderoy Lockhart, but was forced to withdraw from the role due to the scheduling conflicts.

The Chamber of Secrets, is one of the few locations at Hogwarts to not be on the Marauder's map. As it was never found by the Marauders themselves.

In the movies, the Butterbeer students drink is actually a well-known British drink called J20 with fake foam added on the top.

There are 10 extra-curricular subjects at Hogwarts: Ancient Studies, Art, Frog Choir, Ghoul Studies, Magical Theory, Muggle Art, Muggle Music, Music, Orchestra, Xylomancy.

During a panel, a little girl asked JK Rowling about what the "inappropriate charms used on a goat" were, to which Rowling did not directly reply. However, she later revealed that, to be blunt, Aberforth liked to get intimate with his goats.

If you die when you're under the effects of a Polyjuice potion, you stay in the same form in death and don't change back to your original form.

In Greek mythology, a seer named Cassandra was given her powers by a god Apollo who later cursed her so no one would believe her prophecies. Professor Trelawney's great grandmother's name is Cassandra.

Emma Watson gave the Harry Potter set designer, Stephanie McMillan, advice about how Hermione's room should look. Emma said, "Why are there not more books? There needs to be books everywhere!"

Some of the Weasley's names came from the Medieval Times: King Arthur(Arthur); Sir Percival, one of the knights from the round table(Percy); Charlie from Charlemagne, a medieval king(Charlie); King Arthur's spear which was called Rohngomynaid(Ron).

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