Facts 451--460:

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A/N: I just had the strong urge I had to share that picture with you and I promise you that it will bless your eyes when you see it if you haven't seen it yet😗✌️ Ok anyways, back to the facts teehee.

Draco Malfoy is a Gemini. He has royal blood, like British Royal Blood.

In the second movie, after Dobby finds out he's now a free elf, Lucius was super mad and threw a spell at Harry. Well, the actor for Lucius was reading the fourth book and the only spell he could think of was the killing curse. So in the movie, you can see Lucius go "Avada" right before Dobby hits him with a spell.

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 movie, while McGonagall and Snape were Duelling, Snape actually helps the "order" by deflecting McGonagall's spells and hitting the 2 death eaters behind him.

During Snape's death you can actually see a Gryffindor scarf behind him that represents Snape's bravery.

Each of the Hogwarts house represent an element. Gryffindor is fire, Slytherin is water, Ravenclaw is air, and Hufflepuff is earth.

Rupert would often get in trouble for smiling or laughing too much while they were filming. And apparently, Rupert had this really contagious laugh that whenever he starts to laugh, everyone starts laughing. Apparently Matthew was really bad with this.

There's a huge age difference between Tonks and Lupin. To the point where Mrs. Weasley was so mad because Bill didn't marry Tonks.

Lily, James, Snape and Sirius all sat in the same carriage at Hogwarts. That's where they all met.

The only reason why Peter was ever in the Marauders was because Lupin took Pity.

Hermione and Krum actually kept in contact for a very long time. To the point where Krum actually attended Fleur and Bill's wedding.

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