Chapter 11

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Everything on base is in scrambles. There's a constant breeze from everyone moving in every which direction. Something or someone has sent this place into a frenzy. Though it's normal for there to be a rush in everyone's step, this is different. This is urgent and important.

But the twins don't even notice the change. They're too busy being caught up in a game.

"No, don't you dare."

"I don't know. Moving my piece here could prove to be really valuable." Leia sings, holding her piece above the spot on the board. She bats her eyes at him innocently, knowing exactly why she shouldn't put her piece there.

"What do you want?"

"Are you serious?"


Leia pauses, tapping her piece on her chin. "I don't know. Got any alcohol? Valora and I have been looking for an excuse to have a good time next week. We just don't have anything to drink."

"All you want is alcohol?" Luke scoffs, a grin growing on his face. "I have some stashed under my bed. It's yours if you don't put that piece there."

"Deal." Leia smiles. She quickly places her piece somewhere else. It's a much more strategic place for her to win the game in two short moves.

Luke sighs, thankful that she didn't take his spot. But as he looks at the board, he realizes what has happened. No matter what piece he moves, she will win the game. There's absolutely no way out of it. "Hey, no fair."

"You told me not to put my piece there," Leia smirks, intertwining her fingers together and placing her chin on them. She holds back a laugh as she watches him stumble over the board.

"See, this is why I hate playing this game with you. You always win!" He exclaims, tossing his arms out in defeat. He smiles and shakes his head at her. "I don't know where you learned it from because I can beat everyone on base but you."

"I'm not telling. I can't lose my championship title to someone like you." She replies as she leans back her chair. "Also, I'll come by and grab your alcohol later tonight. Just to take it off your hands so you don't accidentally drink it all."

Luke rolls his eyes, about to shoot back another comeback when Bail and their mother enter the room. "Leia, we have a mission for you." Padmé declares, slightly panting. They have been looking for her all over the base. Finally, someone said they saw her in a break room with Luke.

"What kind of mission?" Leia asks, rising from her seat.

"Urgent. If you accept, you leave in the next five minutes."

"Of course. What am I doing? Where am I going?" Leia quickly asks, trying to get as much information as possible before she heads out. She's been sent on many urgent missions over the years, most of them recently, but something about this one feels different.

"Bail will explain more later, but it's very dangerous. You need to stay safe, do you understand?" Padmé asks, her hands tightly gripping Leia's shoulders. Ever since the mission to Lothal, Padmé has allowed Leia to take more solo missions. Most of them are not life or death situations, but this one is. If the timing isn't right, things could end very badly.

"I know. I'm always careful." Leia says as her heart rate begins to rise. What has her mother this spooked? What is she going to do on this mission?

"I love you." She says, pulling her in for a tight hug.

"I love you too," Leia replies back, her confusion masked.

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