Chapter 11

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I hated that word all my life but hearing it come from Alaric, sent a jolt of warmth straight to my heart and made me want to crumble right there and then, like always. I loved hearing him say it; I could listen to it over and over again, like a lullaby, sending my mind at peace and feeling my heart mending, one piece at a time.

Coming from a broken home, you feel beneath and less of a person to other people around you, feeling so low and empty that it consumes your whole body as you see happy couples and friends giggling as they brush past you, making the dark thoughts intensify.

But when you find that special person to change your life around, you are eternally grateful, and your heart mends just for them, your very own physical lifeline.

I never in my wildest dreams growing up in a tiny cupboard and beaten black and blue, that I would ever find a hero to take me away from my hell and mend me piece by piece and have the patience and care to do so.

But the heavens shined a light on me and gave me a second chance to flourish in this dark forsaken world, and as we walk hand in hand towards his home, I felt like the luckiest girl alive, because girls like me don't get many second chances to be free.

"Angel we are finally home," Alaric said, his arm tightly wound around my waist to keep me stable and upright. I am incredibly grateful for him, as without him holding me to the door I would've crumbled right down to the gravel, causing even more injuries then I already have.

Hobbling to the door, Alaric digs for his keys in his back pocket, sighing in frustration. Just as he goes to unlock the door, thuds and sounds of gravel scraping catches my attention immediately, making me shrink into myself and hide into Alaric's side, needing his protection.

"Alpha and Luna." I heard about three deep voices say, all sounding very intimidating and causing me to shrink into myself.

"For f*cks sake Caleb, could you have given me five minutes to get my mate inside?!" Alaric growled, shielding me from the men behind him and pushing my head into his warm thumping chest.

"I'm sorry Alpha, it won't happen again; I only wish the best for our Luna." I heard Caleb say. He sounded genuinely apologetic, so I calmed down a little, knowing I was in safe hands with Alaric there to protect me.

"What is it, Caleb? I don't have long." Alaric grumbled, rubbing my back.

"Alpha, there has been a disturbance at the west border, rogue activity and several animals dead and gutted along the borderline. It could be hunters, but the signs point to an alternate message," Caleb said curtly. Alaric seemed to be losing patience, and luckily Caleb was straight to the point.

Alaric started doing his growling once again, making my head rattle against his rock hard chest. I am not the best at social ques nor body language, but I believe Alaric was disturbed and irritated. I ran my hands up his arms and rubbed like he was doing to me, hoping to give him the same relaxing effect he has on me.

Luckily I acted correctly, as a second later I felt Alaric bend his head down and kiss the top of my head, sending my limbs into jelly.

"Scout the area and double the men on shift right now, I want to get to the bottom of the activity and the message, I need all men on it, am I clear?" Alaric hissed firmly with his lips still resting on my head. Alaric dishing out strategies and demands was making me giddy at his authoritative tone. What on earth is wrong with me?! We are literally dealing with dead animals here!!

"Yes Alpha. Also, the doctor is locked down in the cells and secured; we will deal with him tomorrow." Caleb stated, still serious and curt as ever.

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