Chapter 33

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"Ahhhhh so good." Jessie moaned out in the vacant woodland area. Her head fell back onto the soil bank and her shoulders relaxed in the calm lake, feeling the filth wash away from our bodies, and the scent diminishing from the chilly water. 

We finally made it to the lake, and I had never run so quick in my life. Jessie was squealing to the top of her voice while I breathed in heavy to my lungs full capacity. We ran without a care around us and jumped in with no hesitation, well Jessie opted for diving in headfirst, fully clothed and all, the crazy girl.

We were so desperate to feel the fresh rainwater against our skin that we didn't care about anything else, only the feeling of water engulfing our bodies and washing away the memories of the past hour, even though the water was ice cold and sent chills to my bones.

"You alright over there, Willie?" Jessie called out to me, her shoulders submerged under the crystal clear water and the string of moans continuously slipping past her lips, her loud volume was attracting wildlife to the scene and possible wandering eyes, causing me to shrink further into the lake.

I sent her a grateful nod as I tried to wash my face and hair. We had no products to freshen us up, but we made do with the lake water, anything was better than the pungent smell of vomit and Kai's wolf poo.

The water didn't work on clearing the smell entirely, but we worked with what we had.

I was having trouble washing the gunk out of my hair, feeling my hair clump together in knots and the tangles were making me wince in pain and frustration. Jessie saw my painful battle and swam towards me, kicking her feet and drifting behind me, offering her assistance.

"Come here I'll help with this," Jessie suggested, holding my hair and detangling it with her fingers. Whilst Jessie worked her magic; I focused on washing my face, dunking my head under the ice water and rubbing away the stains and traces of vomit around my lips. Lifting my head back out the water, I inhaled a deep breath, adoring the scent of the trees and fresh air around us, much more appealing than the smell that follows us around like a blanket that we can't shake off.

One moment I felt Jessie dunking my hair under the water, the next I feel her hand grip my jaw and turn my neck to the side abruptly, making my legs kick harder, and my arms flail at the sudden movement.

"Will your damn mate mark you already, he's taking his sweet time," Jessie huffed, swiping the mud away from my neck and examining the unmarked spot.

I shrugged my shoulders innocently and looked behind me to see her slight irritated eyes turn wide as saucers, seeing a cheeky smile coat her lips and revealing her sharp white teeth.

"You want to be marked, don't you?" Jessie teased, splashing my back and laughing at the blush coating my cheeks and neck.

"My innocent little Willie isn't as innocent as I thought. Well if you want to have that brooding Alpha of yours to mark you, then I have something that you might need, just to speed things up a little." Jessie said while grinning. I looked into her eyes and took a large gulp, terrified of what this item might be.

"I'll get it for you later my cheeky Willie, but for now let's get this sh*t out your hair, he definitely wouldn't fancy marking you looking like this." She said, going back to tugging at my knots while I wash the rest of my body as best as I could.

There were a few minutes of silence between us; it consisted of frustrated huffs and the splashes of water, mainly from Jessie tugging my hair and punching the water occasionally in frustration, having an intense battle with my tangles.

"Willie, have you talked to Kai recently?" Jessie asked curiously, breaking the silence while still combing through my knotted hair. I shook my head negatively and turned my head around slightly, sensing her shift in mood.

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