03 | ♛ | Fragile As Glass

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fragile as glass

T H R E Efragile as glass

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"WE NEED GROCERIES" IS the first thing Celeste Marshall says to me.

She sits clad in denim on denim outfit, the sleeveless denim vest and the jeans are paired with long chocolate brown, unbound hair and a pair of white sneakers, making the most of the end-of-July weather.

Setting my bag down on my desk, I take off my blazer and toss it on the couch before taking a seat and facing her.

"Oh really? I hadn't noticed, after all my grand breakfast had consisted of a single stale toast." I rest my elbows against the desk and lean forward.

She rolls her eyes at me before smirking "But lunch with Adrian must've made up for your breakfast."

I hadn't expected the news to spread so fast.

Not letting the surprise show on my face,  I instead lazily flip through one of the many files placed on my table and reprimand "Joking about my situation? Tsk, I call you my best friend."

"I am your best friend, that's why I'm joking about your situation." Her eyes go towards the view the glass wall in my office has to offer before they fix on me again "On a more serious note, how was it? The meeting."

Sighing, I fiddle with a pen "Fine, I guess. He knows how much I want to lauch this new unit for dad. And I know that he needs this collaboration just as much to become CEO of Alexanderson Enterprise so we're working together to make this facade of a marriage work."

"I really don't like the idea of you two testing your acting skills. More so, I hate that you have to spend three years with him." Her eyebrows furrow and a crease forms on her forehead.

"The three years will eventually end, Cel. I need to do this. This unit was dad's wish for such a long time." I reply, her concern warming my heart.

Celeste is a model, constantly found in the spotlight and posing infront of cameras wherever she goes. We've been best friends since high school.

After I'd moved to New York she had made me stay with her and had yelled threats at me when I had talked about buying a house in New York.

Celeste is also the daughter of Fredrick Marshall, owner of a great sense of humour and countless five star hotels throughout the world. He's like a father to me and always offers up the best suites in his hotels for free whenever I'm travelling.

"Does Casp know?" She asks, her eyes kind.

I give her a brief glance before looking away and shaking my head "No" lying to him was practically killing me. I hate myself for it.

"Do you really think that Adrian won't tell Ryver?" She asks, I don't miss how her voice wavers as she says his name.

Ryver is Adrian's best friend, like Celeste and I they've been best friends since high school. Celeste and Ryver have always had an intense love-hate relationship. Bickering day and night but also caring and fighting for each other.

Instead of admitting their clear feelings towards each other, they resorted to dating most of the opposite sex population in senior year just to stir jealousy.

We were a close knit group- Adrian, Ryver, Celeste, Caspian, Blair-Caspian's sister and Adrian's step sister-Art, Elle and I. After what had happened between Adrian and I, all of us had branched away, well technically.

Celeste was with me throughout the years, on the other hand, Ryver stayed close with the Alexanderson family while Art and Elle had gone their own ways and at one point our calls had become shorter until one day they stopped.

Of course, I couldn't blame any of them for it.

We've admitted to desperately missing each of them. They were as close as family to us. With Casp always understanding me more than anyone, Elle and Blair as dear as sisters, Ryver as a constant source of laughter and Art with all his reckless antics and sarcasm, It had practically hurt to not be able to talk to them anymore.

Ryver's absence had caused Celeste to be a victim of some serious breakdowns and I had hated myself for being the cause of their separation.

"He probably has told him. How can he not? This secret would have stifled us. God knows I'm already finding myself struggling for oxygen." I admit as I get up and walk to the clear wall of glass, looking down at the city which slowly begins to light up as the sun sets.

I hear the clicks of Cel's heels as she joins me "We'll have to face them again, Ard. What if he hates me? What if all of them hate me?" She bites her lip as she glances at me.

I take hold of her hand and turn her to face me "Cel, you know they're not like that. Art and Elle might not be with us but how can Blair ever hate her fashion icon? How can Casp not talk to his favourite fellow food enthusiast? How can Ryver turn away from his best friend? And honey you already know Adrian's nature." I fix her with a look.

She grins at me before hugging me "Since when did you become so wise?"

"Since a month ago." I reply distantly as my mind ponders on the fact that they would never turn away from Celeste, but what about me?

I left and I was the reason behind our separation. What reason would they have to talk to me again? To forgive me?

Worry takes over me but I try my best to stay level headed and ignore it.

Celeste and I pull away, yet again turning to face the glowing city. Standing silently with our arms slung around each other, watching as the sun slowly takes refuge.

"You do know that I have a higher rank over Ryver as far as friendship is concerned." I ask jokingly to brighten up the mood.

"As you always will." She chuckles


It's almost midnight and I'm about to go to sleep, cocooning myself in my comforter I put my head on the pillow but my phone lights up with a notification at the exact same moment.

Grabbing it from the nightstand, I read the one line message sent from an unknown number.

Unknown: I'll pick you up by 8

Knowing exactly who it's from I save his contact and lean forward to put my phone back in its place but it chimes yet again.

Adrian: Address?

Rolling my eyes, I type a reply.

♛ 𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿'𝘀 𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗲 ♛
And so we meet Celeste.
Thoughts on her?
This chapter seems to be on the shorter side so to make up for it I did an early update.
Even quarantine can't seem to force me to write more unfortunately.
How have you guys been holding up?
qotc : Which activity is your go-to boredom curer?
I hope you guys liked the chapter
Until next time

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