Date night part- 3

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Hey chipmunks, how are you all????? Are you guys enjoying Monsoon ? It's my fav .... Let me know what you like most about the rainy season in your comments...





Xavier and Jess were walking on the lawn in backyard in the moonlight. He felt like moon goddess was showering them with love . He was holding her hand and enjoying the warm feeling his mate was giving. Xavier hadn't told her about him being werewolf, he knew he have to sooner or later. He just couldn't let his love stay in dark about his identity. Even though truth might hurt her, he have to spill in otherwise he knew her very well. If she found out from third person , she wouldn't hesitate to leave him. 

Thought of her leaving him made him tightened his hold on her waist.  This suddenness made her and she glared at him.

' What do you have in mind ?' she asked him irritated. Sometimes she just couldn't understand what's going on his mind that change his aura so fast.

He frowned, didn't answer her question and continue to walk .

' Did you just ignore me?' she yelled at him trashing his hold , which made him look at her more intently.

' May be yes?' he loved to tease her. She didn't take ignorance of her any question from anyone , specially not from him. And he love getting on her nerves.

' That's it... I am leaving', she gritted in low voice and turned to leave . But he pulled her towards him and looked in her eyes. They both were staring at each other. Whipped!!!!!!!!!

And ringing of his phone made him curse . He picked up the phone and shouted angrily at person who was disturbing his precious moments.

'WHAT?..... ok I am coming ' , he yelled.

' We need to leave .There's an emergency at my place. ' he told her.

' I will come with you then,' she told him thinking it might be medical emergency. 

' No, it just small thing. You should be taking rest.' he didn't want her to witness his pack business this soon. She might freak out.

'Ohakyyy then let me stay here. It's so calm here.' 

'No love. This place is not safe for you to be alone . It is surrounded by forest.' he explained. Xavier had already placed his pack members to guard the place. But who knows rogue might attack his unmated mate.

' You are damn controlling .' she fumed. 

' Love please understand . We can come here when you want, but please for now can we leave?' he was looking at her expectantly. 

' Fine ' she sighed. 

How to solve this problem ? This was only thing on his mind while driving.

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