Chapter 19

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"And who the hell are you?" Hisashi asked the purpled haired punk teen in his kitchen.

"I'm the soulmate." Hitoshi said with a small nod in Shoto's direction. "So is he."

Hisashi's eyes narrowed at the two boys, then to his son. "Did you really need to bring them along?"

Hitoshi rolled his eyes. "We wouldn't have let him come otherwise." He stated.

"Are you trying to control my son's choices?" The older man asked in an accusing tone.

Shoto glared hard at him. "No, just trying to make sure our boyfriend doesn't get hit by his father again." He said back tensely.

Izuku lightly patted both his soulmates. "Save it for dinner, my mother's about to have a heart attack." He told them.

Before he could walk away, Hitoshi grabbed his arm and whispered to him. "I could use my quirk on him. Don't know what we'd do, but the possibilities are endless." He said, only joking a little bit.

Izuku put his hand over his mouth to stifle his laughter as all three of them made their way to the dining room. "Tempting."

Shoto groaned as they sat down at the table. "Could you two stop scheming for five seconds?" He asked.

"I might actually stop breathing then." Izuku asked, acting dead serious.

"Well, if you must." Shoto joked, lightly laughing at how offended it made Izuku.

Before Izuku could respond, Inko walked in, carrying a few different bowls and trays. Instantly all three boys were up to take something for her.

"Oh, why aren't you all just the sweetest." She teased them, making Izuku playfully roll his eyes.

Once everything was set at the table, they all took their seats again, this time Inko joining them.

"Mom, this is Shoto Todoroki and Hitoshi Shinsou. Guys, this is my mom, Inko Midoriya." Izuku introduced half heartedly as he started to grab food and put it on his plate. He hadn't eaten a lot that day, cut him some slack.

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Midoriya." Shoto said with a small smile.

"Oh please, call me Inko." She said, a gentle smile of her own taking over her features.

Izuku's phone went off and he quickly checked it. He rolled his eyes at the notification and turned to his boyfriends. "Kacchan told me to tell you guys that you're responsible for me not committing a felony."

"Izuku!" Inko scolded.

He raised his hands in surrender. "I didn't say it! Blame Kacchan!"

"Tell him we already know. Besides, that's like the third time today he's reminding us." Hitoshi cut in with an annoyed expression from the blond's persistence.

"It's cute that he passively aggressively cares about me." Izuku said with a small laugh.

Shoto had a sour look on his face, not too different from Hitoshi. "Don't calm him cute." He said.

"Jealous?" Izuku asked with a raised brow.

"Not at all, it's just unsettling hearing someone refer to an overgrown dandylion crossed with a pomeranian, cute." Shoto said, seeming to just be appalled by the idea.

Izuku laughed loudly, even though he tried hard to cover it up. "You should avoid being alone with him and Kirishima then." He warned, but it was a little hard to understand through the laughter.

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