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Scandalous whispers and mumbling of the guests were floating around in the crowded hall. The shocked and disgusted look on their faces isn't hidden from anyone making the situation even worse for Beenish.

She wanted the ground beneath her to tear apart and swallow her down. She could clearly hear not so nice things circulating, their eyes burning her skin with accusation in them. Of course they believed every accusation her mother in law made, tarnishing her mother's and hers reputation among so many people.

Perhaps, she will never gain what she has lost today. Her reputation because the look in the guests eyes are brutal and taunting. She could perfectly decipher the word 'thief' 'disgusted' in their eyes.

Beenish can't beg.

She can't cry.

She can't even break for her mother's sake who is sobbing with hiccups gripping Beenish arms, shaking like a leaf. Sometimes her mother's behaviour frustrates her, especially in situation like these.

Why her mother always have to act as a spineless woman?

She never raised her voice, never took a stand for herself and her own kids, not when her husband used to abuse his own kids like an animal, not even when she found her husband cheating on her. Always living under the shadow of her husband like a slave; craving for his attention and affection. Hoping that maybe he will return her feelings one day if she will act submissive, playing a dotting wife until he finally divorced her.

Beenish clearly understood why Humaima couldn't stand against her husband and her in laws under the pressure of patriarchal society system but why can't here?

For God sake! Its Humaima's own house why she can't fired back at Sanam for accusing her own daughter for theft. Why she is still pleading and begging like a culprit instead of protecting her daughter's honour?

She never felt this alone in her entire life!

Her mother was her only hope!

But again she is a weak woman and only mericle tonight could save them.

"Ammajaan! apko to pata hi hoga vo zewar kitne qimati the!" Sanam taunted eyeing Beenish who clenched her fist, controlling her sobs from breaking.

(Mother in law you knew the jewelleries were precious!)

Ammajaan shook her head helplessly, feeling stuck in a situation where she doesn't know what to believe.


That deep voice have everyone stopped

"Bini? What's wrong?" He marched towards her when he saw Beenish standing with her head bowed down.

Beenish froze by his mere touch, her eyes grew big in fear and the reaction wasn't approved by Zaman at all.

"What's going on here?" He then looked at his mother demanding answer, his loud stern voice echoed.

Zaman was worried sick when he received Lubna's call. All the possible horrible scenarios were roaming in his head about Beenish but nothing prepared him for what he witnessed in from of his eyes.

Humaima crying holding Beenish's arm. Beenish head bowed down in embarrassment. He clenched his jaw and fist in displeasure. He didn't like that posture of his wife amidst so many people, it pricked his heart like winds in  winter.


After all Beenish is the strongest woman he has ever known!

"Zaman do you remember the Jewellery I asked you to bring from jeweller yesterday with Malaika?" Sanam asked innocently.

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