xxvi. Breathe

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"YOUR TOTAL IS 65,000 won," she said

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"YOUR TOTAL IS 65,000 won," she said.

'Your total is 65,000 won,' it echoed in Alice's head as she felt the room spinning.

'65,000 won...'

"Ma'am?" She raised her eyebrow curiously at Alice, who had only been staring at her through her dark sunglasses. It brought her out of her trance before she looked down at her wallet, hands shaking as she pulled out the bills. She tried her best to hide it as she held up the exact amount to her, and she took the money, putting it in the cash register. "Receipt?" She asked. Alice swallowed before shaking her head slowly. "Enjoy your night," she bowed and began to tidy up around the register.

Enjoy your night... it echoed in Alice's head as she just slowly walked away and out of the door.

Jimin's eyes followed her back, still barely managing to process the situation in his head. He was completely surprised and before he could stand there in front of the register alone for too long, he followed Alice out of the door.

She had already been walking down the street, slowly taking strides as her head hung low.

"Alice," Jimin called out, but she didn't look back at him. He licked his lips before jogging to catch up with her, standing in front of her to stop her in her tracks. Alice didn't bother looking up at his face, only noticing his shoes.

"What?" she monotonously spoke up, eyes still glued to the ground.

"That... That was her, right?" Jimin whispered. Alice slowly nodded, swallowing back the lump in her throat. "W-We have to go back, don't you want to go back?" He asked gently, afraid to overwhelm her.

Instead of responding, Alice quickly started to jog past Jimin, running down the street as she fought to hold the tears back. All she could hear was her heartbeat, rapid and booming in her ears. She just wanted to sit down, somewhere, anywhere, and scream her lungs out until she lost her voice. She felt so many emotions at once; shock, anger, sadness. She was overwhelmed and only wanted to fall off the face of the Earth.

She spotted a bench at the nearby park and ran to it, sitting down and panting. She hurriedly ripped off her mask and her sunglasses, tossing them and her hat onto the bench in the process. She buried her face in her hands as she tried to catch her breath.

She continued when she heard footsteps running toward her and stopping, hearing panting as well. She felt the bench bounce as a force sat upon it.

"Hey..." she heard Jimin's calm voice.

"Jimin," she warned as her hands fell onto her lap. She really wasn't in the mood to be with anyone else at the moment.

"D-Don't you want to talk to her?" He raised his eyebrows and asked gently.

"I don't even want to see her face," Alice spat and ran her hand through her hair.

She heard him sigh as she felt his hand graze over hers, but she was quick to pull it away.

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