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Hiroki POV:

Its been 5 days since me and shirou met, and i think were already almost friends. But until she came, kagemori Michiru, always with my one and only friend. I didn't know what this feeling was...But i let it slide, thinking she is just a somebody. But anyways, since i met Shirou, i think that spark in my eyes is back now... That makes me...Happy?... 

I chucked my air pods on, listening to my favourite music,(Whatever you want), I smiled as i remember Mom and dad singing it to me as a kid. I looked at the sun, not getting blinded, it was to beautiful to actually get blind from it. I walked from building to building, looking at the view of Beast-man city. The sun was always shining, there were barely any clouds in the sky, only blue and yellow. "Where's Shirou?" i asked myself looking around to see if he was there, no sign of him. I went to look for him, but so far i couldn't find anything. "There you are!" I ran to him, he was in the mayors building, talking with her and....Michiru... She glared at me, not liking the way she did, i poked my tongue out. "Rude..." I heard her say under her breath, how annoying. "Im going." Shirou spoke, heading towards the door "Hey, can i come?" Michiru and i said at the same time, glaring at each other after. "No, you both stay here. And get along, you'r pissing me off" We both trembled, i sat on the couch closing my eyes, heading to sleep. "Im going!" Michiru followed Shirou, but i didn't notice. 

I opened my eyes, yawning after what felt like centuries of sleep. "That felt good..." But i when i look up, everyone was gone, i looked around seeing if there may be one person in here. "Where'd they all go?" i got up, walking out and jumping around. But, after a phew hours of looking around, i found no one. "I don't wanna be alone..." I said to myself, laying down on my house roof, closing my eyes. "I cant sleep!" I groaned, walking in the door, i saw gem there, saying hi. I smiled as i walked past him, not being bothered to do anything right now. I turned my radio on, listening to my playlist, it was nice, i opened my window, sitting on the window sill and enjoying the breeze past by. I watched as the moon slowly moved, along with the stars and clouds. I drift to sleep on it, but as soon as i enter my dream... 

"My cute little boy!" "Hes beautiful" They sounded like my parents. There voice so soft and gentle, i touched there hand, but i looked up to see them covered in blood. "M-My dear, we must go, you must hurry and run away, quickly my dear, you can live".  I tugged on my dads top "I'm scared, what will happen to you?" "We won't be able to see you anymore, but we will always be beside you, and we'll be there to guide you when you need it, i promise". He kissed my forehead, but he pushed me back into the shadows, i screamed there names out, but they fell to the floor...



"Ah!" I woke up, in terror, i was mortified by that. I looked in the mirror, gently touching the bottom of my eye. "The sparkle, its gone again..." I curled up into a ball in the corner of my room, scared, "It was me, wasn't it?..." I questioned myself, my fist clenching tightly. "Hey., Hiroki, where are you?" It was gem, he told me Shirou and Michiru came back, and also dinners ready. "Im not hungry..." "You sure, its onigiri!" I sniffed the air, it smelt like chicken and rice balls. "I'll be out in a minute, thanks.." He left. I stood up, ready to go eat my dinner, but it was like my life flashed in front of me. It was my mom, she looked mad, and beside her, dad, he looked furious. "ITS YOUR FAULT! YOU DID THIS! they screamed at me, sweat drops went down my chin, landing on my shirt...

my eyes went lighter, my skin wad almost white, i was shaking...I'm scared...

i shook it off, seeing Shirou and michiru along with gem and his wife, melissa. I looked down, avoiding there gazes and glares. "Ah, you came, eat up!" melissa gave all of us our dinner, i slightly looked up at her,smiling, but she went pale. "Your eyes! There white! Dear whats wrong?!" She cupped my chin, looking into my blank, empty and gone eyes. Shirou and Michiru's eyes went wide as they stood up. "Gem, get the first aid it!" Michiru called to him, he ran towards the storage room. But Shirou calmed down when felt my aura. He turned to me, cupping my chin,"You can come on my next mission with me, alright? You dont have to be alone." He spoke, im not surprised, but my eyes were drifting and fading back. All of them were surprised, speechless and frozen in place. Melissa sighed in relief, sitting back in her chair beside me, ruffling my hair. 

At the mayors)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

"So, it seemed hiroki here reacted to shirou's touch, and saying he dosen't have to be alone anymore." I stood beside one of the guards, looking at the ground. I look up to see Shirou and everyone glaring at me, creepy, but i didnt mind. I put my hood on, hiding from everyone. "You dont have to be afraid, Hiroki, its okay" The mayor spoke as she held my shoulders. I nod slowly as she explains more about me. I left suddenly, walking out the door and to the roof. The mayor glared at Shirou, he growled as he followed me, but without me noticing. "Hiroki" I saw Shirou walked towards me, sitting my the rooftop beside me. he sighed as he shuffled closer to me. "A-Are you okay, Shirou?" i saw a blush on his face, he avoided eye contact with me, but i smiled, he looked back at me slowly calming down. "W-We have a mission, a random explosion happened in the science lab around 5 hours ago, we have to find who the culprit is" I nod as i smile at him, seeing his blush go wider. "When should we go, then?" "We'll go when the mayor says so, she need information first". I got up, feeling the breeze brush my hair, i look down to see Shirou blushing, looking away. 

"Lets go" i laid my had out, waiting for Shirou to take it. i was a bit surprised when he took, it his hand was so soft. I smiled as we went towards head quarters.


Ok so i didn't explain your beast-man thing, so i will now, you have wolf ears with 6 tails, you have red wings and your eyes change color, they look like a ghouls.


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