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"Hey handyman what happened?" Questioned Toga as she appeared

"I don't know. But someone is going to die"

It had been a few minutes since the incident and y/n had managed to calm down and was now peacefully reflecting on today's actions


Thought y/n as she laid face down into her pillow

Since when was I such a crybaby ? Mama didn't raise no bitch -oh wait I killed her

Y/n sat up and quickly put her hands over her face

I basically throw myself at him heck I basically tried to seduce him the first time we met. So why was I so scared ?!

I dunno but didn't he look hot when angry

He sure did~ Even when he's scary he still looks good so why the hell did I run away ?!

Sure Y/n was a complete cannibalistic blood loving psycho killer but that didn't mean she had no feelings. She's just never understood her emotions. One second she's a ray of sunshine and the next she is ready to drown herself in tears.

She began pacing around the room questioning what her next move would be

To be fair wouldn't you be angry if Dabi was the one hooking up with random girls

I'd torture them all till they begged for death -ohhhhh... I fucked up

Yes you did

When Dabi comes back I'll apologize for somewhat cheating on him and everything will be fine

You smiled to yourself as you sat at the edge of your bed. All you had to do was wait for him. Nothing could go wrong


You quickly jumped to your feet. You had completely forgotten that your brother has seen you in not your best state . The second he runs into Dabi he'll kill him!

What broke you out of the chaos going on in your head was a knock on the window

You quickly turned to see Dabi  outside
As you walked over to the window you kept giving yourself a pep talk

Okay y/n remember to not screw this up

As you opened the window you gave an awkward smile "wassup?"

"Am I allowed in?" Asked Dabi

"You always are!" You cheered letting him inside

As he stepped in there was silence between the two of you

"I'm sorry" you both quickly said at the same time

Dabi looked at you confused "Wait why are you apologizing? I'm the one that sexually assaulted you"

"And called me a hoe" you mumbled

He sighed "And did that."

You took a step towards him "I am the one who started this mess" You looked down " I did that stuff because I was so sad that our mission failed and wanted to distract myself by turning off my emotions and going out , but looking back at it now that was a dumb thing to do"

"Ya think?" Said Dabi

You snapped your gaze up to him "Hey! You're not off the hook. What the hell were you thinking doing those things to me. Any other day I would TOTALLY be into it but not when I'm at my most vulnerable"

"I know. It was stupid of me to do that and you should just slap me across the face"

And so you did slap him across the face

His eyes widen "Why did you do that?!"

You look at him doe eyed " you said to"

He groaned in frustration "Yeah but - Nevrmind! I came here for a reason and that is to apologize. I am honestly so ashamed of myself"

"Then why?"

Dabi sighed and looked away "When I was younger I grew up in a very abusive household. My father mentally tortured my mother to give into his demands. I swore to never become like him, but that failed" he gave a dry laugh "I guess it does run in the family..."

You went up to him and hugged him "I'm sorry that happened to you, but..." you look up at him with a smile "you're here with me and the rest of the L.O.V. If you think about it we're all family here"

As you both stood in each others embrace he spoke up "I guess another reason for why I acted the way that I did is because I don't want to share you with anyone". He stared into your eyes  "I've always been a selfish person and thought I could be selfish with you. Seeing you with someone else turned me into a different person because it made me believe that you were just leading me on. "

As you broke away from each other you took one of his hands into yours while you caressed his cheek " I wouldn't do that. I do like you. And when I say like I mean REALLY like you. I'll torture and kill anyone that looks your way " you said with a psychotic look in your eye

He held your hand tightly and held the same look "And I'd slowly burn everyone who even glances your way till they're nothing but ash"

"You're so sweet~" you cooed

As silence grew so did the tension between you two until you both could'nt take it and slammed your lips onto each other.

The kiss wasn't soft and tender it was rough and full of passion . You wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around your waist as he took your bottom lip between his teeth. He pushed you up against the wall all while not breaking the kiss. His hands made its way to your thighs instructing you to jump. He caught you as you wrapped your legs around his waist. As this make out session dragged on the lack of air caused you two to eventually separate, both of you slightly panting for air

"So.. what happens now Dabi~?" You cheekily asked as he set you down

Dabi smirked at you before embracing you in his arms once more

"From now on I get to call you mine"


What up y'all hope ya like this chapter.

I started online school on Monday and I'm already lost. The amount of hw already assigned is brutal

Pray for me 😖

But anyways, hope you keep reading and see ya next chapter ✌️

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