Laugh-Out Cloud (Part 1)

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The Trolls of Trollstopia were having fun at the Pop Village lagoon.

All but Branch.

He was measuring the height of the lagoon.

Poppy and the other leaders were making sand sculptures.

Poppy asked Branch, "Having fun, Branch?"

Branch answered, "Fun? How can anyone have fun? We're in the middle of a drought! See?"

He showed them the ruler and pointed to a middle marker, "This is where the water should be."

He then pointed to another marker at the bottom, "And this is where it's headed."

Prince D said, "Branch, we know it's been a while since it last rained, but please, let's not get all...Branch about it."

The others snickered.

Branch responded, "You're not taking this seriously."

Poppy said, "Look, we are taking this drought to heart. We've fixed the leaks in all rain basins, put restrictions on bubble baths, and I even mandated that the Pop Trolls fill water balloons with..."

A balloon with glitter hit Branch in the face.


Branch just said, "That's not enough. We have to initiate my 90-step drought deterrent. Step one: No showering. Step two: Live in underground tunnels and drink our own-"

Trollex asked, "That's step two?"

Delta then said, "Branch, listen. I, for one, live in a place where a drought is pretty much a monthly thing and to tell you the truth, this drought is actually not the worst I've seen."

King Quincy said, "She's right, Branch. We should really just save all of your antics until we know for sure it's a serious issue."

Poppy said, "Yeah, I mean, we're not saying it isn't an issue, but sometimes, you have to look at the sunny side of the problem."

Branch responded, "Hello? The sunny side is the problem! If it doesn't rain soon, our nation will die!"

That got a nearby baby to start crying.

Barb said, "Dude, you made that baby cry!"

Branch then ran to it and held a test tube under its eyes.

Trollex said, "And now, he's harvesting baby tears."

Branch said, "Every drop counts! drop!"

Prince D said, "Ok, crazy. Let's get you away from everyone and sort this out."


They were in Branch's bunker scrapbooking.

Poppy asked, "Can you think of anything more relaxing than scrapbooking?"

Branch replied, "Saving the whole nation from utter destruction."

Poppy responded, "I didn't hear that!"

Queen Essence also said, "I must admit that scrapbooking is a nice way to relieve stress."

Trollzart said, "Indeed. Thanks again for teaching us how to do it, Poppy."

Poppy said, "No problem, scrapbooking is just one of the best things about being a Pop Troll! Ok. Time to share. Trollex, care to go first?"

Trollex showed them a scrapbook of Trollstopia, "See, it's our home. And we're all enjoying the sunshine!"

Felt Trollex flew up to the sun to high-five it.

Branch said, "High-fiving the sun is a fire hazard."

Trollex responded, "You are a fun hazard."

Poppy then said, "Ok, Branch, your turn!"

Branch then showed them the nation on fire, "Ok, it's our home...if I can't figure out how to make it rain."

He then pulled a tab that burned the book.

Barb said, "Dude, listen. That was kind of cool, but the weather's gonna be what the weather's gonna be. You can't control it."

Branch said, "I have to. I'll do whatever it takes to make it rain."

Just then, a knock came at the bunker door.

Branch asked, "Who's there?"


"Boo who?"

"Don't cry. It's just a drought."

Branch creaked the door open a bit, "Who said that?"

"It was..."

Cloud Guy popped out, "Me. Hey, guys. How's it going?"

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