The Night Before the Harvest Moon (Part 1)

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(This will be like a sequel to 'The Giver')


Every night on the harvest moon, a mysterious Troll pays Pop Village a visit and delivered gifts to everyone, becoming known only as...the Giver.

However, it drove me crazy because he never received a proper thank you.

So, I spent one harvest moon trying to figure out who this mysterious Troll is.

I managed to find out it was actually...Branch.

Giving out gifts on the harvest moon made him feel connected to the community, but he did it in secret because he didn't want anyone to know he had feelings.

So, I decided to respect his privacy and let him continue doing it secretly.

We both thanked each other that night and we just continued doing the holiday like we did every year.

Until this year.


Poppy met up with Branch in his bunker.

She asked, "You wanted to see me, Branch?"

Branch said, "I did...I need your help."

Poppy responded, "Well, lay it on me."

Branch said, "Ever since the six kingdoms were reunited, I felt like I could create a bigger connection with every Troll. So..."

Poppy gasped with excitement, "So, you want to expand your gift-giving tradition to all the other kingdoms! Branch, that's great!"

Branch then said, "Yeah, but...I still don't want people to know I'm the Giver. I'm completely familiar with their security methods. So, I know my way into each kingdom. I just need to know how many Trolls are in each kingdom, their names, and what they like as gifts."

Poppy said, "Branch, I will be more than honored to help. And I think I know just how."


In Vibe City, Poppy spoke with the Funk Family.

King Quincy asked, "Why do you want to know about every Troll in the city?"

Poppy answered, "Um, well, uh...because there's nothing more important to me than making sure I can truly connect with the whole nation. One of my favorite methods is giving the best gifts for their birthday."

The Funk Family was a little bit suspicious, but they also knew that Poppy could never mean any harm, so they gave her what she asked for.


She soon got the names of every Troll in every kingdom in Trollstopia and what they like as gifts.

She then got back to Branch.

She asked, "Are you sure you can do all of this in just one night?"

Branch chuckled, "Poppy, I could build a boat in less than five minutes and read super complicated instructions. I think I can do it."


However, it only took Branch one hour to realize that he might need help.

He called for Poppy again.

When he asked her for help, she responded, "Of course I'll help. Anything to make you feel connected with Trollstopia."

For the whole day, they did nothing but wrap gifts, sign the Trolls' names on each one, and go over the plans for leaving the gifts in each kingdom since the other kingdoms weren't exactly Pop Village.

However, they realized that there were a lot of presents to carry to each kingdom.

Poppy said, "I'm guessing this is gonna make it hard to deliver them all in one night."

Then, Branch said, "Actually, I think I may have an idea on how to fix that."


Every present was loaded up in a giant sleigh.

Meanwhile, Poppy and Branch were dressed up in dark clothes so they wouldn't be recognized.

Poppy asked, "Why a sleigh?"

Branch explained, "It's woodwork and strength makes it perfect for heavy loads like this."

They both then hopped in.

Poppy asked, " do we get a move on?"

Branch stared at her blankly.


The sleigh was now connected to eight stags.

Branch said, "They should be strong enough to pull it."

Poppy then asked, "What about Vibe City and Techno Reef? Are they equipped to go into the sky and water?"

Branch said, "Relax. I've got everything like that covered."

Poppy said, "Hmm. Ok, let's get started!"

Branch whipped the reigns and got the stags going.

Poppy then realized, "Wait! Shouldn't we do Pop Village first?"

Branch realized she was right and they instead left the sleigh and got out the presents for Pop Village.

Trollstopia: Season 9Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora