Runway Trolls (Part 1)

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The fashion twins, Satin and Chenille, had just finished making Poppy's new dress.

Then, Poppy came into the room.

She asked, "Hey, girls, is that my new dress?"

Satin said, "Yes!"

Chenille said, "It is!"

Poppy immediately put it on.

She then said, "I love it! How did you come up with this?"

The twins thought for a moment.


They fought over a color.

Satin said, "It should be red!"

Chenille said, "No! Blue!"

They sprayed both colors on and frantically mixed them out of frustration.

The colors made a lovely shade of purple.


They then argued over the sleeves.

"Something's wrong with your side!"

"No! Something's wrong with your side!"

They both tugged on the sleeves until they both ripped off.


Chenille said, "The process was brutal."

Satin said, "It always is."

Poppy then said, "Well, whatever the case is, you always make great clothes."

Then, Barb came into the pod, "Hey, girls. You got a minute?"

Satin said, "Sure. What do you need?"

She took out one of her performer outfits.

She asked, "Could you fix this button for me? It's one of my favorite outfits."

The twins were in awe of how the outfit looked.

Chenille said, "So fierce!"

Satin said, "So bold!"

Barb said, "Thanks. I do like to put on a fierce look."

Satin said, "I can't believe we've never designed anything like this."

Chenille said, "Neither can I. Where have we been?"

Poppy asked, "Well, why don't you?"

The twins asked, "What?"

Poppy said, "You've always made great clothes for Pop Village. Why don't you...expand your wardrobe?"

The twins gasped with excitement.

Satin said, "What a fabulous idea!"

Chenille said, "We could design clothes for all of Trollstopia!"

Barb said, "That's cool. How do you want to start?"

The twins thought for a moment.

They both realized there was one way.

"Fashion show!"

Chenille said, "We could make a couple of outfits for every kingdom in the nation."

Satin said, "And we could invite every tribe to a fashion show!"

Poppy then thought of something, "And maybe for your models, you could have me and the other rulers of Trollstopia!"

Barb said, "I guess that could be cool."

The twins squealed with excitement.

Chenille said, "Ok, but the first thing we need is inspiration."

Satin said, "Sure. We'll just travel to every kingdom and look for it."

The twins packed and Poppy and Barb wished them good luck.

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