Chapter 21

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Warning: Rape in this chapter.


I swing my fist violently at her cheek. And she's lights out. I let go of her and she slumps to the ground. I'm not even going to bother looking for the twins, they are probably far away from here. But I can't stay here anymore. They will find someone and lead them back here.

I tie her hands behind her back with some rope I have in the car still from when I took the twins, I tie a rope around her elbows as well making sure she can't escape the restraints. I then tie her feet together and for extra good measure I tie her knees together tightly. I connect her wrists to her elbows with another piece of rope, then I do the same with her knees to her feet, making sure she can barely move.

Once I have her bound, I take in the sight of her bare chest and her restraints, as much as I want to stay and play, I need to leave before someone comes. I open the back door and throw her inside onto the backseat floor. I get the wires and things I found in the warehouse, I put it on the front seat. I get in and shut the door.

I reverse out the warehouse and turn onto the road, I check the gas and see that I need to put gas in. As I head to the gas station, I think about my game plan. Where will I take her? I ponder over a few ideas but I decide to take her back to her house... the house where she broke my heart and ran into her stepbrother's arms...

I grip the steering wheel until my knuckles are white. I take a deep breath and relax my knuckles as I pull into the gas station at the edge of town. I get out and start putting gas in, I continually watch inside the car to see if she wakes up. I also glance around to make sure nobody is going to see her in the car.

I pull the nozzle out and place it back into the pump. With one last look around I walk into the shop to pay. I first walk around a bit, grabbing an energy drink, a lighter, cigarettes (not to smoke), a sandwich and a pack of gum. I go to the counter and the chick at the register chews gum loudly while batting her eyelashes at me.

"So... handsome..." she grins at me and I have to force a smile, meanwhile all I want to do is slam her head against the counter. "What are you doing out so early?" She scans the items so slowly, I want to grab the items from her and scan them my damn self.

"Travelling." I say simply, I hope she catches the hint to shut up... but she doesn't.

"Oh... are you from around here?" She looks at me while biting her lip.

"No... me and my girlfriend are just travelling through to get home..." I say with a smirk and I see her eyes blink rapidly as if it is shocking for me so say that. "I put in gas as well from pump 3."

She stares at me before she types on the computer to get the amount of gas I put in. She tells me the amount and I give her the money. I grab the few things I bought and begin to walk out, but as I walk out... I see a camera at the door and I'm currently staring right at it.

I quickly put my head down and rush out towards my car. The sky is starting to get light and I know I need to be on my way.

I get in and start the car. I look over my shoulder and see that she's still out cold. I pull away and open the energy drink, I know I'm going to need it to stay awake.

I turn the radio on and listen to the songs playing as I drive towards my destination.

After I finish the energy drink, I chow down the sandwich and get onto the main highway.

They Are Mine And Mine Only. (Book 2 of Mine And Mine Only)Where stories live. Discover now