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"What is this talk about?" He asks smiling down at me as we continue to walk hand hand through the forest.

"Well you are my mate, I figured you might want to know me a little better," I smile.

"Ok well then tell me about yourself," he smiles. I smirk before letting go of his hand and using my vampire speed to hide in a tree. "Well how am I supposed to get to know you if I can't see you?" He rolls his eyes with a smirk.

"Just ask a question and I'll answer," I giggle. He moves to the tree I was in obviously trying to follow my voice.

"Ok, what's your favorite color?" He chuckles sounding very distracted as he searches behind a tree for me.

"Green, what's yours?" I question jumping into a different tree. He searches the one I was previously as he answers.

"Black," he answered searching around. "Tell me something about yourself," he says sternly still searching.

"The hollow, the thing inside of me. I actually have some how made peace with it, as long as I use her often she's happy. She doesn't try to consume me anymore. The only time she has ever taken control of me is when I was to scared to move she helped and then went back into the back of my mind," I explain continuing to move around so he can't find me.

"You know I really don't like having to search for you," he smirks looking behind a large rock.

"That's because you suck at it, and if you wanted me to come out all you have to do is say so. You know how the mate bond works on me," I giggle. I use my vampire speed to run behind him and ruffle his hair before disappearing out of his sight. He turns sharply and chuckles when he finds nothing.

"I guess your right, ask me a question," he says looking around more trees.

"Ok, Maria, did you know about mates when you meet her?" I ask a fairly personal question but he continues to walk through the forest as he answers so I know he isn't upset.

"She told me about, I knew she wasn't my mate but I never thought I would find you," he answers and smiles at the end letting me know he is happy he found me.

"Well that makes sense because I wasn't born yet," I giggle moving forward in the trees as he continues to look around for me. "Why did you think you wouldn't find me," I ask climbing down and hiding behind a tree.

"Didn't think I deserved one, you heard my story, I was a monster," He says his voice filled with guilt.

"Well if I've learned anything from my family, it's often the monsters who end up doing the most good," I try to reassure speeding behind and to another tree.

"Interesting perspective, so what are we?" He asks catching me off guard. I accidentally step on a twig that snaps, I recover quickly and hide again just before he gets to where I once stood. "Did I catch you off guard, my bad darlin," he chuckles with a smirk.

"Well what do you want us to be? I know what I want, I want us to be together, but's that's because I already feel an emotional bond towards you because of the whole tribrid mate thing," I reply continuing to move.

"So, one look at me and you were ready to spend your entirety with me," he smirks.

"Yes, the only reason I know this much about the mate bond is because of my grandmother," I smile and continue our little little game of cat and mouse.

"From what Carlisle said I thought she hated you," he says bluntly.

"No, she loves my parents in her own twisted way, I think. She loves Hope and I, she just wishes were weren't 1/3rd vampire," I explain. "So back to the whole mate thing, as soon as I saw you and caught your sent both Stephanie and Hope had to keep me from tackling you," I giggle and he laughs.

"Wish they didn't," he smirks.

"Aww, how sweet," I coo sarcastically.

I hide behind a bolder and watch him look around for me. I giggle quietly as he looks up in the trees.

"So oh beautiful mate of mine.." he starts looking around before he disappears from my view. I look around but can't find him. I start to get a little worried before I turn around and he is standing right in front of me with a smirk on his face as he holds onto my waist. He picks me up and sits me down on the bolder. "What I want, is for you to be mine," he says seriously.

"I already am that's how this whole mate thing works," I giggle turning my head to the side.

"Meadow Mikaelson, will you do me the great honor of allowing me to be your boyfriend," he says with a smirk.

"Yeah, that can be arranged, but I just meet you, so not to fast," I say the last part seriously.

"Wouldn't dream of it," he says picking me up again and placing me on the ground.

"See ya tomorrow lover boy, unlike some vampires I actually need to sleep," I giggle tapping his nose.

"See you tomorrow darlin," he says before kissing my cheek. I smile brightly before running off.

This whole mate thing could be fun.

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