Chapter 15

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TW for this chapter.  I don't want to ruin the story, but also don't want backlash for not giving a warning. 

"Tyler! Kayla! Is it safe?" we heard Harry calling from the other side of the bedroom door. I giggled while Tyler called back that it was indeed safe. 

"Sorry to interrupt... whatever this was, but we need your help to get ready for the party tonight. House rules." Harry said, fighting to hide his grin about whatever he thought we were doing. We had just been making out, but I think Harry could tell based on the look on his face. 

I got up off the bed to help out. House rules was basically that every weekend there was a party, we all had to help set up and clean up and make sure the house didn't get trashed. I hadn't been that great at that the last few parties, getting trashed myself. Tonight, I was planning on staying mostly sober.

"I'll just take a quick shower and meet you guys downstairs" Tyler said as Harry and I left the room. 

I followed Harry to the kitchen, seeing Mason and Jason were now here too. I could tell that Harry was bursting to ask what it was that he had in fact walked in to.

"Spit it out Harry" I said, smirking. If he thought I was telling him anything he had another thing coming.

Harry put his hands up to proclaim his innocence, "Nothing. I'm not saying anything. I mean just that you were in a room with my cousin, alone, for like 2 hours. You look a little flustered too."

"Ignore him Kay, he is just being nosey." Mason said, I smiled gratefully at him, "but if there was something going on, you would tell me first, right?" My smile quickly fell as I whacked him across the back of the head.

"When I know, you guys will know. Maybe." I winked at Mason, "Now! Are we getting set up for this party or did you just want to come and interrupt us?" I said, teasing and knowing that I would get a reaction.

"So there WAS something to interrupt?" Harry exclaimed, making the rest of us laugh. Little did he know how right he was. 

Soon enough, we were all helping to move the furniture around, chose playlists, stock up the alcohol and food and prepare the backyard. Harry and Jason went to the store, so Mason and I collapsed on the couch while Tyler made us some lunch.

"Is Kara coming tonight?" he asked.

"I hope so. I've been trying to contact her to apologise and talk it out, but she won't respond. This is the longest we have ever gone without talking. I have so much to explain to her and also so much to tell her." I said, glancing to the kitchen where Tyler was.

"So there is something to tell then?" Mason asked, grinning.

"Not really. We are getting closer and we kissed. This is different to any other crush though. Just don't say anything. We both have so much going on, we don't need people pressuring us about a relationship too."

"Secrets safe with me. I can see it written all over your face though, he makes you happy. That's enough for me. I'll text Kara, make sure she comes tonight."

"Thanks Mason. You are actually the best friend a gal could have" I said hugging him as Tyler joined us with a plate of sandwiches.

"What did I miss?" he asked.

"Secret best friend business" I grinned at him before taking a sandwich and stuffing it in my mouth. Always a lady.

By sunset, the party was in full swing. People everywhere. Kara was here, but she seemed to be actively trying to avoid me. After another failed attempt to talk to her on the deck, I joined Mason and Tyler by the fire pit in the backyard. As I sat watching the flames, I did wonder if the fire brought back awful memories for Tyler, but if it did he hadn't let on tonight or any of the other parties.

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