Chapter 30 ~ Alone

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Severus had left a note. After you stood by Dumbledore and grieved with the rest of the school you went back to the room and flumped on the bed, unsure what to do now.

You felt some parchment sticking into you. It was a note.  Picking it up you scan it quickly.

I am sorry I cannot say goodbye. The order will never take me back, so would you please be my eye?

I love you.

You sigh. Wiping the tears away. You wanted to happily live with Severus forever after. Not be in this war.

You decided to fully commit yourself to the order. Some treated you with suspicion but Sirius, molly and Lupin backed you up.

So there you were, standing on the Dursley's house. You had told Severus the time and place when an owl sent you a blank piece of parchment.

You whereas an escort, taking everyone to the burrow when the attack began. You tried to fight those who came to attack and managed to beat one back and Severus started to fall from the sky.

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