Chapter 37 ~ Severus Lives

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You see Harry, Ron and Hermione running towards the boathouse.

You go after them. You had sworn to protect Harry and that was what you were going to do.

Keeping your distance you carry on fighting and watch as Harry rushed into the boathouse and heard a thump.

After a minute he ran out, blood on his hands.

You run down, past the kids and saw him. Laying against the wall, his neck bleeding and his face white.

"Severus" you whisper, running over you pull out your wand

"(y/n)" he weakly smiled

"shh, don't talk" you whisper. "Vulnera Sanentur" you chant "Vulnera Sanentur"

The blood didn't go so you grab him and appear in the house.

"I need Blood-Replenishing Potion," he said weakly "There is some in the cupboard upstairs"

You sprint upstairs and search for it. A little bottle with its name in the label. You grab it and a spoon and you run downstairs. He was still bleeding, staining the rug.

"Open wide love" you whisper and he swallowed it.

He grimaced but he had more colour in his cheeks as you cared for his wounds.

Setting a timer for each hour on your phone you make sure he takes it until he improves.

"I need to go back to the Battle," he said.

"No" you say harshly. "If anything I do. I swore to. McGonigal. You go you will die"

Severus looked slightly defeated. You lay the phone next to him.

"It will ting every hour and you just need to press that button." you say and disapirate.

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